Hyderabad witnessed an exciting display of cricket and camaraderie during the 36th Jiji Irani Challenge Cup Cricket Tournament, which successfully concluded on 15th January, 2025. This prestigious annual tournament witnessed Zoroastrian teams from Kolkata, Nagpur, Jamshedpur, Secunderabad/Hyderabad, and Surat compete in a round-robin format, with each city hosting the event by rotation. This year, Hyderabad […]
Tag: Nagpur
Nagpur’s Glorious Dar-e-Mehr – A Brief History
Adil J. Govadia The grand scale and proportion of a majestic edifice remains unmatched in its magnificence and religious stateliness Seth Mancherji Bomanji Panthaky, Seth Faramji R. Desai and Seth Jehangirji Bomanji Mistry were the first known Parsis to have travelled by road to the Nagpur vicinity from Navsari, under extremely dangerous and life-threatening conditions. […]
Nagpur Parsi Gymkhana Lifts 35TH Jiji Irani Challenge Cup Cricket Tournament
The pentangular ‘Jiji Irani Challenge Cup Cricket Tournament’, hosted by Surat’s Zoroastrian Club, from 12th -16th November, 2023, comprised cricket teams participating from Surat, Nagpur, Secunderabad, Kolkata and Jamshedpur. After 5 days of enthralling cricket, Nagpur Parsi Gymkhana clinched the coveted cup, defeating Surat in second place (based on run rate). The inaugural function was […]
Navjote Ceremony Of Child With Non-Parsi Father And Parsi Mother In Nagpur Sparks Controversy
The announcement of a Navjote ceremony of a child born to a non-Parsi (Hindu) father and Parsi mother in Nagpur, has sparked a heated controversy within the community. The Navjote which is scheduled for 14th November, 2023, has garnered staunch resistance from Nagpur’s Parsi Anjuman and other orthodox community members, as well as from the […]
COVID Deaths In The Community
At least 178 community members have passed away since onset of the coronavirus pandemic (March 2020) in India. Parsiana compiled the death statistics from 11 major Indian locations where significant Parsi populations exist. 105 deaths have been registered in Bombay, obtained from Worli Prayer Hall, where a large number of Covid-19 victims are cremated, though […]
Nagpur Hosts Jiji Irani Challenge Cup (Cricket)
The Nagpur Parsi Gymkhana hosted the 32nd edition of ‘Jiji Irani Challenge Cup Parsi Cricket Tournament’ from 3rd to 7th November, 2018, with five cities – Nagpur, Jamshedpur, Secunderabad, Kolkata and Surat participating in the tourney. The tournament commenced with ex-Managing Director of Tata Steel, Dr. Jamshed Irani lighting the divo and batting to nonagenarian […]
Nagpur Parsis Celebrate Navroze And Khordad Sal
Nagpur’s Zoroastrians brought in Navroze on an auspicious note with a jasan, led by Panthaki Er. Percy Panthaki and performed by eleven mobeds at Hirabai Nossherwanji M. Mulla Daremehe. In addition to numerous members of the community, the jasan was attended by President, Nagpur Parsi Panchayet, Aspi Bapuna; Vice-President, Navroze Daver; Secretary, Shiraz Gimi and Managing […]