Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, flew in from the capital to Mahabaleshwar, on 15th December, 2024, to attend the last rites of 35-year-old sports enthusiast and online trader, Raiyan Banaji, whose sudden and untimely death shocked the community, after he suffered a fatal cardiac arrest, in Lisbon, Portugal, post a […]
Tag: Roshni Dadachanji
Spartans Emerge Champions At CBPL 2023
The Cusrow Baug Premier League (CBPL) 2023 unfolded with captivating moments and unexpected twists, culminating in the triumph of the Spartans as the champions. The auction saw over 90 participants being bid for across four teams, playing football, volleyball, sepak and throwball. The tourney commenced on 18th November, 2023, with a tribute to volleyball legend, […]