By Sanaea Chichgar
I’m so proud you’re my dad,
You’re one in a million Pop,
When it comes to the finest fathers,
You’re absolutely cream of the crop.
You’ve made me feel protected,
I’ve been sheltered by your care,
You’ve always been my true friend,
No matter what, YOU ARE ALWAYS THERE!!
I’ve grown up with your values,
That’s made me the person I’m today,
From the bottom of my heart, as words fail me,
“THANK YOU DAD” is all I can say.
You have a place of honor,
Deep within my heart.
You will remain my Superhero,
Till life from me departs.
By Farzan Soli Batiwala
You never said I’m leaving,
You never said goodbye.
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why.
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a special place,
That no one can ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn’t go alone.
For part of me went with you,
The day GOD took you HOME.
By Aban Parvez Turel
એ ક્ષણો મને પાછી આપો…
આપ આગળ ચાલતા હતા અને હું પાછળ, આપના હાથમાંથી મારો હાથ
કયારે સરી ગયો એ ખબર ન રહી.. અને હું લથડી પડયો…
પછી દોડીને તમે મને તેડી લીધો, ધૂળ ધૂળ થઈ ગયો હતો હું…
ધૂળ ધૂળ થઈ ગયા હતા તમે પણ…આજે હું આગળ ચાલુ છું અને
તમે પાછળ આપનો હાથ મારા હાથમાંથી સરી ન જાય
એની ક્ષણેક્ષણ મને ચિંતા છે અને એટલે જ…
આપ ધૂળ ધૂળ ન થઈ જાઓ એ તરફ માં ધ્યાન છે.
હું તમને સુવર્ણ મુગટથી મઢી ન શકું તો કંઈ નહી પણ…
તમારા પર ધૂળ ન ઉડવા દઉં એ પણ ઘણું છે,
એ ક્ષણો કે જેમાં તમે મારો હાથ સંભાળી રાખ્યો હતો
એ મને પાછો આપો જેથી એટલી જ ચીવટ અને એકાગ્રતાથી, હું આપને સંભાળી શકુ.
By Farida Sidhwa Govekar
He never looks for praises, He’s never one to boast
He just goes on quietly working for those he loves the most.
He wasn’t a hero known by the world
But a hero he is to his little girl
With his steadfast love, is anchor in any storm
With his love, time and attention
We feel safe secure and warm
A sturdy hand to hold to,
In times of stress and strife
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
He’s made of strength of the mountain,
the warmth of a summer sun, and calmness of a quiet sea,
the generous soul of nature and the patience of eternity
He’s One of our greatest blessings
The masterpiece we call “DAD”
F – Forever
A – Affectionate
T – Trustworthy
H – Handsome (to his daughter
and first hero to his son)
E – Eternally loves his family
R – Reliable
By Percy Hirji Elavia
I know you will always stand by me…
giving me the strength of a mountain,
I know you will always inspire me…
to shine warmly like the summer sun,
I know you will always teach me…
to be like the calm of a quiet sea,
I know you will always motivate me…
to achieve my goals, whether big or small,
I know you will always pass on to me…
your wisdom of living life through various stages,
I know you will always empower me…
with the power of the eagle’s flight,
I know you will always bring on my face…
the joy of seeing flowers bloom in spring,
I know you will always encourage me…
to fight with the might of a lion against all odds in life,
I know that God has combined all these qualities in you my father dear,
and when there was nothing more to add,
God knew His masterpiece was complete,
and so, He made you my Dad.
By Khushnuma Bharucha (Sadri)
My heart still aches in sadness,
My silent tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
Although you can’t be here with me
We’re truly not apart
Until the final breath I take,
You’ll be living in my heart.
To hear your voice, to see you smile and to hug you
To just sit & talk to you
Is my biggest wish forever.
Love you forever & miss you always.
Happy Father’s Day daddy darling.
By Tinaz Rayomand Khambata
Grandpa, YOU are in a Better Place Today,
On Father’s Day, I have to Say….
You meant the World to Me,
Only a heart as yours, would love so unselfishly.
For as clear as I remember,
Your hand brought me stability in my life…
Its because of YOU I can sail through as a Good Daughter and Wife.
There isn’t a Day I don’t remember YOU,
From my Kusti prayers to Maths Sums, I owe all to YOU.
You still protect me from dangers every Day,
My Guardian Angel, I would pull you back from Heaven if there was Some Way!
By Hira Framroze Bhandara
Papa Oh Papa, dearest Papa,
Thy name was rightly Framroze,
As U really were like ‘From Rose’.
Sweet, strict and kind, that was my Papa.
Papa, U carried me on your shoulders,
When I was a tot tiny.
In death, Papa when I caressed your head,
so white and shiny,
It dawned U R gone, never to return again.
Thoughts of U come every day,& not just on Father’s Day,
Oh My brave Papa,
May your soul rest in eternal peace,
Till we meet again.
By Penaaz M. Dastoor
Holding his finger, I took my first step
Now seeking his advice, I take my next step
To be a fine human being, by him I have been reared
To face hardships in life, by him I have been geared
On the path of righteousness, he has taught me to grow
To be honest and strong, to face a new tomorrow
Thanks for your guidance, support and love
Without which my life would be like an empty treasure trove
Dearest dad, you are my mentor, my wealth
May you ever be blessed with good health, good health and good health.
By Friya Elavia
A dad is someone who is a daughter’s first love
He will always be there for you no matter how bad of a mistake you’ve made
He will stand up for you when you need him
He will give you hugs and shoulders to cry on
He promises you that you will always be his little girl
Ask Dad when Mom says no.
He loves you so much and will sacrifice whatever it is to make you happy again
Everyone can be a father, but it takes a lot to be a daddy !
Daddy, thanks for being my hero, financial supporter, listener, life mentor, friend, guardian and for simply being there every time I need a hug.
By Karishma V Motivala
Daddoo feels in a very good mood
When he sees very good food.
Likes to have food and wine
And sleep at nine.
Rain or sunshine
Daddoo is always on time.
Daddoo you are simply awesome
Like a sunflower you blossom.
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a Father as great as you.
Happy Father’s Day today and always!
By Armin Dutia Motasha
F.. Forever ready to stand by me, specially in my need.
A.. Always eager to lovingly hold my hand and chocolate Feed.
T.. Treated me with love and Care, like a princess.
H.. Home now, without you is painful to access.
E.. Ever loving, concerned, Caring, full of mirth.
R.. Rarest, finest, most Precious jewel on Earth.
I shall always be proud, to be your daughter, my darling Dad.
By Dinshaw Wadia
My Father is man like no other.He gave me Life, taught me, held me, shouted at me, kissed me,but most importantly he loved me unconditionally. There are not enough words I can say to describe just how important my Father was to me, and what a powerful influence continue to be.
By Zenobia Adil Mistry
There’s a special kind of feeling,
When I think about you Dad,
Its a pleasure to remember,
All the happy times we’ve had.
There’s a special kind of caring,
That is meant for you alone.
There’s a special place somewhere within my heart,
That only you can hold.
It is always said that behind every successful man, there is a woman.
But I think behind every successful girl, it’s her loving father!
Yes, I’m My Daddy’s Girl!
I am proud to be called
Mr Jemi Siganporia’s daughter!
By Havovi A Ichhaporia (Kolah)
My Dearest Daddy,
(Late Jamshed R Kolah),
To start with a very big “THANK – YOU” for the endless things said or done by you considering you were a man of few words. The message you passed on to me was to be positive in every circumstance come what may. By saying your daily prayers you bypassed the most difficult times of your life by staying calm. Your foresight in putting me in a boarding school helped me not only to get better education but has given me a better exposure to life and everlasting friends. You also gave me a lot of freedom which has helped me make quick decisions and last but most important words of “Forgive & Forget” have been imbibed in me. I could never love you enough, give you enough or praise you enough for being the wonderful father you have been.
Happy Father’s Day to you!
- કેવો સુંદર જવાબ! - 29 March2025
- પારસી સન્નારીઓ તેમના જાદુઈ સ્પર્શ સાથે બની સુરત મેરિયોટ અથવા લાઇન્સના રસોડાની રાણીઓ - 29 March2025
- મોબેદ મેહરાબાન ફિરોઝગરીનું અવસાન - 29 March2025