Leading Ophthalmologist, Dr. Cyres K. Mehta was awarded ‘The Gold Medal Of IIRSI (Indian Intraocular Implant & Refractive Society)’ by Prof Bellucci, President Of European Society Of Cataract And Refractive Surgeons at the International Conference For Advances In Eye Surgery held at Hotel Renaissance, Powai on 18th June, 2016. Dr. Mehta was awarded this recognition for his expertise in Advanced Robotic Laser Cataract Surgery, whereby a laser painlessly melts the cataract in all of 30 seconds; and a new technique, ‘SMILE’, that enables perfect vision without spectacles without cuts, unlike LASIK.
Mehta studied laser cataract surgery under its very inventor, Prof. Howard Fine in 1999, in the USA. He returned to India in 2001 and heads the arena of eye surgery. Operating from his International Eye Center clinic at Colaba, Dr. Mehta was among the first in India to implant ‘Multifocal’ lenses and perform a new surgery called ‘Canaloplasty’ for glaucoma. Speaking with Parsi Times, Cyres Mehta said, “It’s my goal to use the most advanced technology for the best outcomes in eye disease treatment. As noted by famous science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, ‘sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’!”