The Parsi community has gone abuzz 24/7 with social media and whatsapp messages spouting ongoing issues and controversies that have unfortunately engulfed the community. What must surely confuse most of our community members is the absolute confidence with which both contradicting sides say the same thing, “Let’s wait for the CCTV footage to show up and the truth shall be revealed.” Needless to mention, this statement has been issued with regard to the fracas that took place outside the court on the 8th of September where Dinshaw Mehta and Hormuz Mehta allegedly physically attacked Trustee Kersi Randeria.
Parsi Times spoke to a number of eye-witnesses and members of the community who were present in court and possess no ulterior motives in this issue, and so far, these point to the same version presented by assaulted Trustee Kersi Randeria. Trustee Randeria, in all his statements, has admitted to having nudged Hormuz away from in front of his face as Hormuz was constantly provoking him by using expletives and abuses against Randeria’s family (a fact that has been concurred upon by all present). For this, he was viciously attacked by the father-son duo Hormuz and Dinshaw Mehta, with the latter pummeling his with a stone-like object, seriously injuring his eye.
Even so, Dinshaw Mehta has made counter claims about Randeria attacking Hormuz. It is a matter of wonderment to see the Mehta clan proclaiming such confidence about how the CCTV footage will vindicate their claims, as that would also mean that all the eye-witnesses and Randeria are hoodwinking the community! Or maybe the Mehtas’ bullish stand, inspite of all the eye-witnesses, is a give-away about them being in possession of some information about the CCTV footage, which assures them that the reality of this incident will not surface.
Even as we all wait with baited breath for the CCTV footage, till then the community will have to depend on the statements of the eye witnesses and rely on their own intelligence and opinions about the two parties involved, in order to draw their own conclusions about what really happened.