Pray The Vispa Humata Daily

Prayer is the mainstay of our Mazdayasni Zarathushti religion and reciting the Vispa Humata prayer ensures our lives abound with virtue, good health, wisdom and abundant joy. PT Reporter Arjani speaks with Er. Dr. Pervez Bajan, Panthaky of Mewawalla Agiary, who explains the precepts and benefits of praying Vispa Humata daily.

PT: What is the meaning of the word ‘Vispa’ and the essence of this prayer?
Er. Bajan: The word ‘Vispa’ of the Avestan language means all. The prayer is composed of simple words of the Avestan language which enables us to understand it easily. The simple verbatim English translation is “All good thoughts, All good words, All good deeds I do willingly. All evil thoughts, all evil words, all evil deeds I do unwillingly. All good thoughts, All good words, All good deeds will take my soul to Paradise. All evil thoughts, all evil words, all evil deeds will take my soul to Hell.” All good thoughts, good words, good deeds are the identification of the Ashavans for Paradise. The word ‘Ashavan is made up of two words – ‘Asho’ meaning righteous and holy and ‘Van’ meaning person, hence the word ‘Ashavan’ means righteous and holy person.

PT: When and how should the prayer ‘Vispa Humata’ be recited?
Er. Bajan: Vispa Humata is always prayed after praying the Khorshed and Meher Nyaish. It is one of the ‘Farazyat’ (obligatory) prayers which every Zoroastrian should pray to start the new day with salutation and prayer (Bandagi) devoted to Dadar Ahura Mazda. After the Kusti ritual, it is mandatory to pray Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda, the Sarosh Baj, including the complete Havan Geh, Khorshed and Meher Nyaish and thereafter one should pray a very potent prayer ‘Vispa Humakhta’ thrice. The Khorshed and Meher Nyaish and Vispa Humakhta can be prayed in the Havan Geh, Rapithwin Geh, or the Biji Havan Geh, and the Uzerin Geh because there is sunlight during these three Gehs. It is most important to recite our ‘Farazyat’ prayers in the Havan Geh to ensure that we remain immune to the evil forces of ‘Dushmata, Duzukhta, Duzuvarashta’. Applying our prayers in all aspects of our daily life enables us to achieve Vahishtem Ashum, leading a righteous Zoroastrian life of wisdom, honesty, integrity and compassion. Wisdom is most important for us to understand when any evil form is trying to entice or trap us. This is how our soul is escorted to the best existence which is Garothman.

PT: What is the difference between ‘Humata, Hukhta, Hvarashta’ and ‘Manashni, Gavashni, Kunashni’?
Er. Bajan: ‘Humata, Hukhta, Hvarashta’ means ‘Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds’. ‘Manashni, Gavashni, Kunashni’ are verbal nouns which signify our actions of ‘Thinking only Humata (Good Thoughts), Speaking only Hukhta(Good Words), and Performing only Hvarashta (Good Deeds).’
Only by imbibing the Divine Energies of the Universe can we achieve lasting happiness in our human form and ensure a place in Garothman for our souls, after mortality ceases.

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