Parsee Gymkhana bagged three prestigious titles – Singles, Doubles and Teams at the TT event held on the 29th and 30th October, 2016, which saw an impressive turnout of nearly a hundred participants from Maharashtra and Gujarat, competing across six events. Chief Guests Farokh Khodaiji and Katy Khodaiji (both former National Singles and Mixed Doubles champions) graced the event. Farokh and Katy Khodaiji, Mehli Golvala (President of the Gymkhana) and Baji Khambatta, India’s former No.2, gave away the prizes.
In the team events, after a hard-fought battle Malcolm Baug beat Salsette. In the Open Doubles quarter-finals, Neville Pithawalla and I, both representing PG, had to play out of our skins to get the better of the young emerging talents Sohrab Mehta and Ushaine Gandhi of Malcolm Baug, in a thrilling five-setter. The final match of the day in the Open Singles Finals saw top-seed Zubin Taraporewalla come up against third-seed Frenaz Chipia, who had earlier beaten second placed Sarosh Shroff. Frenaz put up a valiant fight before losing in the decider to Zubin.
This year, three new rotating trophies were introduced – in memory of late Hoshang and Rustom Namvar, in addition to the existing late Kali Katrak and late Tehmi Katrak rotating trophies. Parsee Gymkhana thanks the principal sponsor Hoshang Vajifdar of Tisocam Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., as also WAPIZ, Zoroastrian Bank, Kaizad Patel, Manoj Suri of AMCO and its media partner, Parsi Times.
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