From The Editor’s Desk

Dear Readers,

As we head towards celebrating our 68th Republic Day next week, I can’t help but reflect on our diminishing presence in the Armed Forces – perhaps an obvious corollary to our dwindling numbers, or worse, a lack of interest in being part of India’s highest and noblest bastion. For a long time, Parsis were considered a force to reckon with in the Armed Forces – with indomitable-spirited, inspiring heroes like Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw, the cynosure and symbol of the Parsee presence and pride.

Numerous Parsi heroes have done us proud by representing our minute yet popular and much-cherished community in the Armed forces. Parsi Times is delighted to extend a platform and share this erstwhile glory with you, in the words of our celebrated Armed Forces Hero, the charismatic, 82-year-old, Lt. Col. Jehanbux Siavaxa Bhadha (Retd.), the first member of our community to have led a Republic Day Parade Contingent in 1961.

Republic Day marks the coming into force of the Indian Constitution on January 26th, 1950 – rendering India a Sovereign, Democratic and Republic country. Our patriotic fervor on this day brings India together in her glorious diversity, culminating into the magnificent Republic Day Parade – for most of us, a two hour TV broadcast, but one which demands over six-months of endless effort and dedication by over 6,000 marchers, 1,200 students and 5,000 artists from all over India, who contribute to this spectacular celebration at Rajpath in the capital.

So, take the time out to truly appreciate The Republic Day Parade, truly understand Lt. Col. J S Bhadha’s message and truly respect the freedom we are privileged with, when India assumed her Republic status.

Let the essence of Republic Day mean more to us than just a ‘long weekend’ in the calendar.

Have a lovely weekend!



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