India’s leading Health and Fitness Guru, our very own Dr. Mickey Mehta, was felicitated by the Mumbai Police Commissioner, Dattatray Padsalgikar, who hosted a dinner for all the IPS officers and their wives, to honor Dr. Mehta’s expertise and achievements, on the 15th of May, 2017, at the Police Hall at Azad Maidan, Mumbai. Aapro Mickey had the audience regaled with his in-depth knowledge of the Vedic Shastras, and impressed at his fluency of sharing philosophical quotes with references from diverse religious texts and the Science of Ayurveda. DCP Sharma (Zone 2) was clearly fascinated while Jt. CP, Deven Bharati, who’s being mickeymized for a few years now, expressed heartfelt gratitude. Finally the Commissioner himself, in his vote of thanks, expressed gratitude for Dr. Mehta’s constant support for the Mumbai police and for an enriching evening.
- સુરતની માતા-પુત્રી મહારૂખ ચિચગર અને મહાઝરીન વરિયાવાનું દુર્લભ અરંગેત્રમ - 18 January2025
- પવિત્ર શેહરેવર મહિનાની ઉજવણી - 18 January2025
- બસ્તર ગામમાં પેસ્તનજી ખરાસનુંસન્માન કરતું સ્મારક - 18 January2025