Re: BPP Clarifies Increase In Service Charges
Undisputedly, the clarification given by the Trustees of the BPP vis-à-vis increase in service charges is not only logical and convincing, but has been done honestly without mincing words. One therefore, now feels that in view of the reasons put forth by BPP — the Trustees are to an extent justified in increasing the service charges, which a majority of us can easily afford.
What merits special mention is that – in my humble view of the so called ongoing trumped up controversy and probably vague allegations levelled at the BPP by vested interests – as has been mentioned in the write-up, I made personal queries in Mahim and was shocked to learn that just one Room/kitchen Flats (much smaller than the ones in Khan Estate) have sky rocketing rents amounting to Rs.15000-20000/-. Hence, the present accommodation where one stays — quite comparatively is a real blessing. This makes it no cause of complaints whatsoever. However, all the same the idea mooted for allotment of houses against Refundable Security Deposits ought to see the light of the day soon. Especially — when many of those who can afford it, await this scheme anxiously.
Finally, the decision of the Trustees to either subsidize or waive off altogether Rs.750/- increase in service’ charges for those unable to afford should go on to prove a Hat Trick, absolutely silencing the critics. But then, the Trustees ought to exercise caution — scrutinize such applications thoroughly either by way of documentary evidence provided by such have-nots or by making discreet enquiries with the vigilantes who could be relied upon for giving the correct feedback devoid of any fear or favour. Such a safeguard suggested is but a must, whereby people do not succeed in taking undue advantage of the largesse of the present Trustees who have stood out as being nice, understanding and practical to the core.
The intellectuals and well-wishers of the Community ought to see through the alleged mischievous designs of the vested interests probably having one’s own personal axe to grind, perhaps with a view to come into reckoning by playing upon the weakness of the Community — projecting as one being a champion of the weaker section/Have-nots — whereby perhaps out to put a spoke in the wheel of the progressive measures launched by the present Trustees. Quite obviously — it goes without saying that if one cannot do good — one ought not to do bad. Here is then, hoping, that although belatedly, wiser counsels prevail.
Nozer Balsara (Khan Estate, Mahim)
The Right Choice
The apex body of Parsi Zoroastrians in India viz, Bombay Parsi Punchayat had reportedly recommended the name of Mr. Dinshawji K Tamboly to be the next representative member on the National Minority Commission. The choice of the community to represent it could not have been any better. Tamboly is responsible for transforming the lives of hundreds of community members living in remote villages of Gujarat. The World Zoroastrian Organization Trust Fund, of which Tamboly is a Managing Trustee, has funded many rural resident Parsis in their ventures to earn a living without relying on doles. Tamboly has provided assistance to the needy for education of their children, medical assistance to those who could not afford modern medication. The Parsi community, which is an aging community with preponderance in terms of numbers on the wrong side of fifty in age, needs institutional support in the sunset years of their lives. The two Senior Citizen Homes, set up in Navsari, Gujarat are a result of Tamboly’s untiring efforts.
Tamboly is a devout Zoroastrian, honest, upright and with unimpeachable integrity. Because of these qualities, on his request, prosperous Zoroastrians settled abroad send the required funds without any questions. His GOOD THOUGHTS, GOOD WORDS & GOOD DEEDS teaches us how a true Zoroastrianism should be. Having been a Trustee of the BPP for two terms, he knows what ails the community. With the possible appointment of Tamboly to the Minorities Commission, the community can hope for highlighting its issues and getting them resolved. A large section of the community welcomes this recommendation of Tamboly as representative on NMC. The community, in order to survive and prosper, needs more people like Tamboly.
Dinshawji Tamboly has always helped all who need help. Those who love and support our community and wish for its welfare will surely be happy with the name of Tamboly recommended as the next representative member on the National Minority Commission.
Homi Dalal (
Thank You PT!
While going through your publication of 29th April I learned that our Parsi Times has completed 6 years of publication and so I wish the publication, the Founder, Editor and all the staff of Parsi Times, ‘A Very Happy New Year!’ The whole Parsi community in Mumbai as well as all over India is obliged to your publication as it has published the ‘Ups and Downs’ of our Parsi community since the last six years and the condition related to religious as well as social issues.
I sincerely thank the organization!
Ratan Mir (Malegaon Bldg. 1, Mahim-W)
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