On ‘World No Tobacco Day’, 31st May, 2017, Head of Masina Hospital’s Department of Dentistry, Dr. Arnavaz Havewala and Dr. Vispi Jokhi, Medical Director, Masina Hospital organised a special program along with Guests of Honour – Dr. Rajshri Katke, the Medical Superintendent of Cama and Albless Hospitals; Nitin Kadam – Trustee Sidhivinayak Trust and Satyendra Pal Singh Ahuja of the Anti-Terrorist Front.
Umesh Thanawala, Voice Against Tobacco (an NGO); Ashok Patil, Preventive Oncology Department of the Tata Memorial Centre; Dr. Khurshid and Dr. Boman Dhabars Oncology Unit of Masina Hospital spoke about the ill-effects of tobacco. An installation and selfie point were set up at the entrance, which was inaugurated on 26th May, 2017 by Dara Patel and Armaity Cooper of Lions International, District 323A. This was followed by a slogan and poster competition, for which prizes were distributed on 31st May, 2017. The response for the competition was tremendous and the programme was well attended. This Day has been selected by the World Health Organization (WHO), with a view to spread the message of harmful effects of Tobacco.