Thanks To Rumy Zarir and Shahrukh Bilimoria For Saving Toothi Agiary Premises
We, the trustees of the Sorabji Toothi Agiary Trust, Walkeshwar, would like to draw the attention of the Parsi and Irani Zarthosthis that sometime ago in the month of May, 2017, our Agiary premises were encroached upon by the society and they had illegally built a security cabin and were also in the process of building a sliding gate that would have covered the Agiary completely. They had made an illegal slope whereby during monsoon, it would have been absolutely impossible for the devotees to visit the fire temple. We requested them to refrain from doing so but they showed their muscle power and went ahead with the work.
It was then that we were told to approach Rumy Zarir and Neville Broacha. On approaching Rumy Zarir, we were relieved as he immediately got into action with the necessary formalities. Rumy Zarir got his brother, Shahrukh Bilimoria involved, who is the BJP President of our ward 219. He set up a meeting with the Corporator and immediately got orders issued for the illegal structures built to be demolished. Shahrukh diligently continued following up on the same and ensured that everything illegal on our Agiary premises was removed. The attitude of the society too suddenly changed – till then they were showing us their muscle power, but now they came down to terms and requested for a meeting and the rough talks suddenly changed into cordial conversations!
We were finally able to succeed at restoring our premises to its lawful original form and are even going ahead with a little bit of beautification to preserve the sanctity of our Agiary. I take this platform as an opportunity to thank both helpful brothers – Shahrukh Bilimoria and Rummy Zarir for their indispensable help – as without them, today we would have been on the losing front. On behalf of our community, I convey my sincerest thanks to these gentlemen and I hope we have many such more helpful souls in our community who will stand by the us in solidarity during our hour of need!
Armaity Vaccha
For Trustees Of Sorabji Thoothi Agiary Trust,
Walkeshwar Road
When We Say….
When we say that Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Life, and All-knowing, is our own true God… humme Mazdayasni Zarathushtri – we are simply stating a fact.
When we say the Avesta is the repository of our covenant with God – we are stating a fact.
When we say our one true faith is Zarathushtrianism – we are stating a fact.
When we say our religion is based on the world’s most renowned yet the simplest of words, “Manashni, Gavashni, Kunashni (Humata, Hukta, Havarashta)” – Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds – we are stating a fact.
When we say our religion was founded by the most divine devout prophet, Zarathushtra Speetamaan – we are stating a fact.
When we say our religion is more than 10,500 years old – we are stating a fact.
When we say our religion is the oldest monotheistic faith, making us the first ‘People of the Book’ – we are stating a fact.
Considering the awe-inspiring scale of time and space of our beginnings, we could safely and surely say that the purpose of Zarathushtra’s teaching was to initiate those who would come after – thousands of years in the future by making use of God-given ability to foresee – through the Divine Message. Therefore, the time has come to listen to that clear, compelling signal (as it were) that beckons to us Zarathushtis out of the darkness that most of us have created for ourselves. Perhaps the time has come to seek the buried treasure of our near forgotten genesis and destiny – to return to and uphold what is so dear to us, our faith in Ahura Mazda!
“Stars fade like memory the instant before dawn.
Low in the east the sun appears, golden as an opening eye.
That which can be named must exist.
That which is named can be written.
That which is written shall be remembered.
That which is remembered lives
In the land of Iran, what was first Persia”.
Adi F Merchant
Seeking A Cause
I am a regular reader of Parsi Times and love the stories you’ll report. I liked last Saturday’s editorial, in which you emphasized the importance of investing time and efforts in a cause you believe in. Would you happen to know any such places where volunteers would be required? I’ve been meaning to spend a few hours every Saturday volunteering, but honestly, I don’t know where to start from. Any suggestion by you would be greatly appreciated. Also, may I suggest publishing that in next Saturday’s editorial too? I’m sure the whole community would benefit.
Piran Engineer (
Cause For Joy
I’m a seventy four years old man living with my slightly younger wife. We were bankers and are now retired. My two children are married and well-settled in life with their respective happy families – one in Bombay and one in the US. What once used to be a full house bustling with noise and commotion is now just us two. For more than a year we have both been wondering what to do to add something more to our lives as it has become quite boring and repetitive.
When we read your editorial about becoming a part of a cause bigger than ourselves, it really struck a chord with us and we are excited to work with a cause that we can give our time to, which will benefit from our presence. Could you please guide us about what causes we can take part in that we can do justice to – based on our age.
I also like to mention that Parsi Times brings us lot of joy every Saturday and we truly appreciate your excellent editorials – they are motivating and give great advice. Keep up the great work at Parsi Times. Kindly help us in locating a good cause which will help us spend our time with greater meaning and happiness.
Rustom B Kabraji (Bandra W)
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