January (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Heirophant):
Enjoy the month with people you love. Stay away from confrontational situations. Relish what you have rather than waiting for what you don’t.
February (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Strength):
Stabilise your emotions and work towards getting clarity on confusions. Be who you are, with confidence. Financially, your best week ahead.
March (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Magician):
You are very intelligent. Go with the flow. This could be a temporary phase of fights and instability. Be careful about investments.
April (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Star):
This is a financially stable month. Enjoy with your family. Your confusions will end in this phase. Take care of your health.
May (Lucky No. 3; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Empress):
A great month for those born in May. This is a good time to start new partnerships. Marriage is on the cards.
June (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: World):
This will be a great phase for good health. Follow your intuitions. This is a month of juggling things to keep the peace. Travel is indicated.
July (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: High Priestess):
A good time for students. Spend some time in religious activities. A little hard work will be rewarded with great success, so put all your efforts into your ventures.
August (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Emperor):
This month marks the best time for you to start new ventures – professionally and personally. But do practice caution – don’t ignore warnings. This is also the time to learn from past mistakes.
September (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Justice):
You have got the ability to tame even a lion so be confident. Beware of back stabbers. Don’t get depressed, learn to move on.
October (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Sun):
Take the world in your stride. This will be a month of celebrations and happiness. Victory is on the cards, so don’t hold back.
November (Lucky No. 10; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Wheel Of Fortune):
This is the right time to implement your plans. Financially, this will be a good month for you. Do not let petty matters consume you and learn to take some time for yourself and your happiness.
December (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Lovers):
Love is in the air – you know your destiny but you need to search the right path to get there. Legal issues will get sorted. Do not give in to feelings of being neglected.
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 March2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 1 February2025
- Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi - 4 January2025