India’s first automatic motorcycle wash machine company, Express Bike Works (EBW) recently announced biker, Diana Doctor as their ‘EBW Rider of the Week’ on 9th October. Riding since 1988, 46-year-old Diana’s love for cycling soon turned into a passion for riding bikes which was further encouraged by her Irani friend who first helped her try her hands on the Rajdoot 1-2-3 model bike. “As soon as I entered college, I learnt how to ride a hand geared scooter. Back then, traveling to and fro from college in a BEST bus was not a very pleasing choice and hence, the next logical step for me was a motor bike as those machines looked like fun to ride”, says Diana who not only describes her love for bikes as a ‘Bawa’ thing but also associates her love for riding to achieving a sense of freedom. “I personally know four to five Parsi women who ride bikes. Riding with a group of likeminded people gives me a lot of satisfaction, especially if it’s with my group of female bikers”, states Diana who is a member of an all-women’s motorcycle riding club, ‘The Bikerni’ that comprises of over thousand plus riders. “In the Bikerni group, we have a lot of record holders and fantastic stunt women bikers and racers. We all come from diverse backgrounds and share a common passion for biking. Our group welcomes any female who can ride a two-wheleer”, highlights Diana. Besides being an adventurous travel enthusiasts whose has scalped the length and breadth of India in her car with her daughter and husband, Diana is an avid photographer having had some of her clicks catalogued, published and exhibited at The Indian Academy of Fine Arts.
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