Former film actress, Ruxana Sarosh Irani (alias Vaishali) was recently felicitated by the Mayor of Thane, Meenakshi Shinde and Guardian Minister of Thane, Eknath Shinde on 12th October, 2017, for the various social service initiatives she has been undertaking since the past eleven years. Known for her films like Jaalsaz, Boond jo ban gaye moti, Teen bahuraniyan and chaukidar, Ruxana was commended for starting her own dance institute ‘Vaishali Nritya Niketan’ in 1972 in Thane and organising various dance events since 2006, the proceeds of which are used to rehabilitate cancer, deaf and mute poor patients. The event also recognised the work executed by ‘The Mushkil Aasan Trust’, formed by Ruxana and her two daughters Anaheeta and Namrata Irani that work towards the upliftment of underprivileged children.
- સુરતની માતા-પુત્રી મહારૂખ ચિચગર અને મહાઝરીન વરિયાવાનું દુર્લભ અરંગેત્રમ - 18 January2025
- પવિત્ર શેહરેવર મહિનાની ઉજવણી - 18 January2025
- બસ્તર ગામમાં પેસ્તનજી ખરાસનુંસન્માન કરતું સ્મારક - 18 January2025