Unnecessary Chaos In The Community
On behalf of myself and others, I congratulate PT Editor Anahita Subedar and Delaveen Tarapore for giving detailed information along with drawings of the Metro III project. There cannot be a better clarification and reporting of the core issue than what has been done by PT. In spite of such crystal clear explanation, I was shocked to see that there are still rumour mongers feeding the unnecessary flame, reporting against the satisfaction of Vada Dasturs, and trying to incite the Dhongee lobby. Maybe they have lost faith in Vada Dastur Dr. Firoze Kotwal Saheb, whose word had up to now been considered biblical but the moment he concurred with the truthful data shared with him by Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor, his word too, just like the truth, was disregarded and discarded!!
If indeed, like the claim made, 11000 signatories have signed a petition, how many of these knew the actual facts? These signatories innocently signed the petition out of sentimental allegiance to the safety of Atashbehrams buildings. In spite of the clarification in your article by your reporter, Delaveen Tarapore stating official facts, figures and diagram leaving no scope of any doubt, even then the panic button was pressed by some self-appointed keepers of faith just for cheap popularity.
Recapitulating, similar Dhongees earlier preferred to seek intervention of another communal party without any statistics, expecting to put pressure on the authorities, to satisfy their own ego! Next, the Dhongees wanted to run down Vada Dasturji of Udvada so they obtained signatures on a joint letter from Vada Dasturjis Firoze Kotwal and Jamasp Asa, but that too fell flat. Vada Dasturji Dr. Firoz Kotwal did the right thing to accompany Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor of Udvada and have his verbal say in the matter by putting the religious perspective in front of CM Devendra Fadnavis and City BJP Chief Ashish Shelar. CM Fadnavis not only gave a patient hearing to both our religious leaders but also instructed MMRCL officials to give an assurance to confirm in writing, that no harm would come to two Atash Behrams as also to their wells, along with Bhikha Bhram well. What more does our community need? And, what are these stumped Dhongies going to do now? The truth is, all those who seem to be creating chaos behind the veils of being ‘staunch, orthodox and traditional’ guardians, are in reality, persons with malice, envy, jealousy, frustration and zeal to be in the limelight. For them, covering their heads with a cap is more important than leading a life on true principles of Zoroastrianism. In their self-obsessed blindness and absolute refusal to acknowledge facts, the chances of them declaring both our Vada Dasturji Sahebs as ‘renegade priests’ cannot be ruled out!
More importantly, the community is confused by contrary views of the editors of both weeklies, in spite of honest and factual reporting by Parsi Times.
Homi Dalal
Rest Assured!
I appreciate the pains taken by Asst. Editor Delaveen Tarapore for unveiling the facts that our community needed to know about METRO 3. After going through the details with diagrams and data, I am now rest assured that no tension should be taken as the powers that control this work have understood the significance of our anxiety, and accordingly have charted out their work. A few nitty-gritty problems may arise as the surrounding residential areas may get affected as some buildings are over a 100 years old.
I join those who endorse our Vada Dasturs’ views about this matter.
Aspi Aibara (aspiace@hotmail.com)
Re: Underground Metro Rail Plan
It has become a habit in our Community to protest against changes and jump to conclusions without understanding the real issue. The underground Metro Rail plan is to benefit a large section of citizens, so we should ascertain whether and to what extent, it adversely affects us. We have very knowledgeable engineers, architects and builders in our community who can gauge the situation and give their expert opinion on the matter. There are some ignorant people who fire guns without proper information on the matter. The BPP Trustees should take the matter in their hands, approach the likes of Shapoorji Pallanji, Hafiz Contractor and other civil engineers, get their expert opinion and conclude if the Metro really causes structural damage to our holy shrines. From the religious point of view, Divine connect is direct – through our hearts, and not through material mediums or soil. If we believe in our powerful rituals we perform, then these will protect our holy shrines against any damage/desecration.
We are a cultured, progressive, dignified community, respected by all political parties and if there is a real threat to our shrines, they will take adequate measures to safeguard them. We should not get swayed by a few irreligious fanatics, who in the name of religion, create fatwas and scare the ignorant gullible masses into following them like a flock of sheep. Dastur Khurshed and Maneck Davar, after having discussed the matter with concerned authorities, are convinced about the safety of our Atash Behrams and the Bhikha Behram Well. If we get a clean chit from Civil engineers, builders and architects, the matter should end and the project be given the green signal.
Religion is meant to bring awareness, peace and happiness in our lives. If people are pressurised into submission to another’s way of thinking and denied their right to freedom – it is fanaticism, not religion. People are naturally sentimental about religious matters, but this should not blind them from seeing facts and they should not unnecessarily put spokes in the wheel of progress.
Piroja Jokhi (piroja.jokhi@yahoo.com)
Life Saving Safety Head Gear – Helmet
This has reference to the tragic accident of a six year old girl, Jhanavi Sharma, after falling down from a horse at cooperage gardens on 5th Nov., 2017. She suffered severe head injuries and expired thereafter in a hospital. The primary cause for this fatal accident was, that she was not provided with a helmet. Safety glass fibre helmets are manufactured for different uses, such as industrial, motorcycle, bicycle, professional horse race riders (JOCKEYS) etc. While it is mandatory to use helmets in industry, motor cyclists and jockeys; it is not the case with bicyclests and joy ride on a horse; and this must also be made mandatory. Parents/Guardians must ensure that children are at least provided with bicycle use helmets. Do not let the children use horse owners unhygienic helmets as it may spread disease. It must be also ensured that the chin strap provided with helmets is firmly locked in position, to prevent the helmet to fall down first, exposing the head, in case the horse trips.
Hope the authorities allow the children time for relaxation and enjoy the horse ride and the horse owners their means of livelihood and not ban it.
Savak Bulsara (Bandra)