January (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Justice): Happiness, success and peace is on the plate for this month. Justice is on the cards. Legal matters will get sorted out soon. Your self-confidence is the key to your success.
February (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): Financial support will be available this month. Any problematic situations will get balanced and sorted out automatically. You are blessed by divine energy. Students need to study well.
March (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Card: Hierophant): Your health is in great shape. Celebrations and parties are on the cards! You might buy new property or renovate the current. Be careful in financial deals.
April (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Card: High Priestess): Your health needs attention. Financial stability indicated. You are advised to bathe with rock salt. This will prove to be a good time for students.
May (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Card: Sun): Enjoy the rainbow of happiness, success, victory and satisfaction! Celebrate quality time you’re your family. Try and clear your confusions. Remember – as you sow, shall you reap!
June (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): Bright and sunny days await you! All your pending work will get completed. Don’t run away from responsibilities. Fight for what you deserve and what is rightfully yours to have.
July (Lucky No. 10; Lucky Card: Wheel of Fortune): Keep in mind that nothing but change is permanent. Accept it gracefully and move on. Your health is good. You have a busy week ahead of you.
August (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: World): Finances will stabilize. You are empowered by the universal energies and are divinely blessed. A little juggling is required to balance the situation. Do not ignore any back pain – take expert advice.
September (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Card: Strength): This is the ‘learning and teaching’ phase of life for you. Your confidence can help you conquer the world, so stay assured. Finances will flow freely.
October (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Card: Lovers): You know your destiny, but are in search of the right path. Slow down and think afresh. Emotional support is available. There could be a temporary problem of cash liquidity.
November (Lucky No. 3; Lucky Card: Empress): Get good sleep as it is a must for your health. You need to take good care of health. Think positive. Don’t worry at all. Travel is indicated. This is a great time for ladies.
December (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Card: Magician): You need to understand that everything that glitters is not gold, so break the illusion and embrace practicality so you can move on. Only you are in control of confrontational situations. Travel or shift in property is indicated.
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