The Religious Class for Children conducted by the Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC) celebrated the Iranian festival of Jasan-E-Sadah on 18th February, 2018, marking the discovery of fire at the dawn of human civilization. Commencing at 3 pm, the children were explained the significance of this festival, followed by their teachers, parents, and grandparents parading with candles in their hands singing, ‘Let there be Light.’ A big fire was lit by Priests, Er. Jehangir Dastur, Er. Zerkxis and Er. Zarrir Bhandara along with the FEZANA and ZAC Presidents, Homi Gandhi and Mobedyar Houtoxi Contractor, and ZAC Vice-President, Nauzer Commissariat, followed by the recital of the Atash Niyaish whilst holding hands around the fire. The celebrations concluded with a Persian dinner and a traditional night-time campfire.
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