It’s Election Time Again!
We all are aware of the drama created by Mr. Cama’s resignation. A mere technical issue could have been solved internally, instead it was dragged into the courtroom for an endless period of time wasting precision time and money. It is election time again. A single candidate does not make a big difference, but he/she can wrongly strengthen those who claim to be orthodox lobbyists but in the name of religion, have misguided the people, causing unnecessary conflicts in the community.
The aim of establishing a Panchayat is to settle internal disputes amicably, without intervention of courts, thereby saving time and money, without causing ill feelings in the community. Ever since the elections by adult franchise, the BPP Trustees have done little to solve community problems, instead they have created some! Although they are elected to preserve and protect the funds, we note to regret that crores of our welfare funds are literally drained away on meaningless litigations, emptying our coffers, bringing no benefits to the community.
Housing allotments have always been lucrative deals for the trustees, who themselves allege each other of nepotism and favouritism! A millionaire, one Dr. Farokh Master, in spite of severe criticism from the community, was allotted a palatial flat on the recommendations of Wadia’s. The recommendation cannot be justified as it was the donors wish that flats should be allotted strictly on merits and without any favoritism.
A candidate vying for trusteeship should promise to bring peace and unity in the community. Our illustrious ancestors had the wisdom, vision and foresight to deal with difficult situations. When they arrived in India, they did not have Dokhmas but they managed the situation. Religion for them was a way of life, practiced on the principles of good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Has denying prayers to the dead helped the community in any way? By driving away the community members from the Doongarwadi, we are digging our own graves, making our estates defunct, reducing the income, and giving a chance to be usurped by those who are waiting for such opportunities. We have lowered the dignity of the priests forbidding them to perform prayers for those dead, whose bodies were not consigned to the Dokhmas. We respect the sentiments of people who are against cremation on religious grounds of polluting the holy fire. They have a choice to continue with the old system. There are others whose sentiments get hurt, dumping the bodies in Dokhmas where they are left to rot and decay. They feel it is beyond the dignity of the dead to be subjected to such unhygienic condition. As both have valid reasons, we cannot punish one and favor the other.
A good leader is a peacemaker. Setting aside his personal views, it is his duty to bring settlement beneficial to all. When a man’s ways are pleasing to God, he gets even his enemies to please with him. That is the essence of good leadership. But when pride and arrogance creep in hollow minds led by coercion of know-it-all, he makes himself a dictator. That is the type of leadership we despise.
Every problem has a solution. We are fortunate to possess vast areas of land at our Doongarwadi premises. At places where Dokhmas are not established, the community members arrange for a private burial ground, an Aramgaha, where after performing all traditional death rituals, ceremonies and prayers, the dead bodies are laid to Rest In Peace. This is practiced everywhere and is accepted without any reservation. We too can establish an Aramgaha at any convenient place in the premises of Doongarwadi, and can solve our problem once and for all. It is a simple solution to bring peace in the community and should be welcomed by all.
We are basically a peaceful, progressive enlightened community, a role model for others. Today we hang our heads in shame, when questioned, ‘Parsilok aisa kertes ka’? It is time for us to change our ways and revive the past glory of our ancestors.
Piroja Homi Jokhi
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