Re: Mr. Arzan Ghadially’s Letters To The Editor (May 12, 2018)
Mr. Arzan Ghadially by his letter to Parsi Times has done well in elaborating the financial crunch faced by the BPP and has suggested measures which are thought provoking. Part of the wastage of precious community funds was, and is, due to avoidable litigation, one of them being contesting Mr. Cama’s resignation before the Charity Commissioner which has cost several Lakhs. This contesting was not at all warranted as the Asst. Charity Commissioner has held that as per the Election Scheme, the resignation letter by a trustee has to be addressed to the Chairman, and that proper procedure was not followed and therefore Mr. Cama continues to hold office.
It is to be noted that this contesting before the CC was not a unanimous decision of the Board. In view thereof and the fact that the resultant costs involved were borne out of the community funds and NOT from the personal pockets of those trustees who in the first place wrongly accepted the resignation and thereafter ill-advisedly contested the matter before the CC, the least the full board can and should do is to gracefully invite Mr. Cama to continue on the Board for the duration of the period he was deprived of his trusteeship. If the law so warrants, an application based on reasonable and sound facts should be made to the CC for his permission which one trusts the CC would grant if an unanimous application is made. Thus the contemplated election can easily be avoided and maybe thereafter an election of the entire board could follow.
As desired by Mr. Ghadially, I hope PT and other media carry forward this debate.
With best wishes for the Kom-unity,
Phiroze Amroliwalla (
Necessary To Carry Senior Citizens ID Card
Nowadays, with an increase in case of Alzheimer’s disease and depression, it is beneficial that senior citizens, especially in late 70s, compulsory carry with them any ID card – like government senior citizen card, retired ID from offices, voters’ card, PAN card, Aadhar card etc. – showing the details of individual.
Senior citizens going out of home for any work, even in nearby areas, for bazar or bank work, must keep ID card in their pockets. Second alternative, the mobile phone or smart phone is equally useful if it shows the individual’s details especially full name, age, residence address and telephone number etc. Also, under heading family members, close relatives all details of son, daughter, brother, sister, neighbours, relatives, etc., comes very handy in case of accidents and falling down on road, getting lost on road, train, bus, etc.
More than three such cases have happened in my colony and nearby societies wherein senior citizen in late 70 and 80 collapsed suddenly on the road without any road accident, but because of bad roads. Luckily it was nearby colonies/Baugs and likely nearby hawkers and shop keepers who rushed to help and identified them and called the colony/Baug boys and security etc. and were given in safe hands in their unconscious conditions.
They had no ID card or mobile in pockets, and unfortunately one of them even passed away at his home two hours before doctors could treat him, and second and third individuals were admitted in ICU of hospitals but still died within few days due to brain hemorrhage and face and limb injuries, which brought in heavy expenses and anxiety to family members.
To prevent such sad incidents, all seniors are requested to keep ID proofs on their person at all times.
Hoshang Sethna (Panthaky Baug)