On Saturday, April 20th, 2019, ‘Empowering Mobeds’ – a noble initiative spearheaded by the Athornan Mandal and the WZO Trust Funds Mobeds Welfare Scheme – held an open house discussion with Mobeds and their wives, on the relevant topic of the times, ‘Expectations To Enrol Your Son In Full Time Mobedi’, at the Dadar Madrassa Hall, at 10:30 am. The Open House discussion panelists included Dinshaw Tamboli, Er. Aspandiar Dadachandji, Er. Kaizad Karkaria, Binaifer Sahukar and Er. Hormuz Dadachandji.
Er. Kaizad Karkaria warmly welcomed the mobeds and their wives to the event, which was attended by over 65 participants, including 31 Mobeds. Er. Hormuz Dadachandji spoke on the need for more Mobeds to sufficiently take care of the 157 Atashbehrams and Agiaries in India. He encouraged Mobeds to share their views on this as well as the expectations from their children. Dinshaw Tamboly, Chiarman of WZOT, next took the stage and expressed, “Our mobeds are the foundation on which our community survives. Empowering Mobeds (EM) will ensure that mobeds continue this profession and cater to the community’s needs. Without enlightened mobeds, our community will be in a disarray.”
Next, young Mobed students Shahvir and Farzad highlighted EM’s past year’s activities – kicking off with a Mental Health Workshop; Digital Savvy Session; Stress Management Workshop, etc. EM’s 2019 initiative included an offsite training in February, on Self-Awareness and Counseling, in Sanjan; and a football match in April, between Behdin, Mobed parents and son to fortify friendships. In May, the EM team will address over 200 adolescents at the Holiday Program for the Youth; as well as have an interactive session with senior citizens.
Next, Binaifer Sahukar addressed the gathering, “EM’s vision is to develop leadership skills, engage in sensitive talk with mobeds in their time of grief and sickness, and increase the Behdin-Mobed connect.” Er. Ramyar Karanjia spoke next on the importance of wearing a Pagri. This was followed by a Q & A session between the Mobeds and Er. Karanjia where a number of queries were answered, after which,
Er. Firdaus Pavri, the second moderator for the Parent-Child session introduced the panelists. Dr. Kersi Chavda spoke about dementia as a growing epidemic in the community; and the need for parents to monitor childrens’ digital addictions; as also practice an increased vegetarian diet and exercise more. Havovi Bhagwagar spoke on how parents could use body language to be more assertive and also bring in a sense of security amongst their kids. Tania Vasunia next spoke on dealing with peer pressure and performance.
Er. Maharazban Noshirvan Kanga gave the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to the Athornan for the premises; WZO Trust Funds, the entire Madrassa faculty, panellists, moderators, Farzad, Shahvir, Niloufer Bhroacha and Kashmira Karkaria, to Parsi Times and the Parsi media, and all other sponsors. The function concluded with a sumptuous lunch.
Er. Kaizad Karkarya (Mobed) said, “Any change takes time. When this program started some Mobeds viewed it skeptically, but that is not the case anymore. It is important to bring in community support so that more Mobeds can get involved and reap the benefits of this initiative”.
Kamal Karanjia (Wife of Mobed) said, “I was born in an Athornan family and so Mobedi is part of our lives. After EM, at least 85% of the Parsi population has taken notice and are assisting to bring about change within the Parsi community.”
Usi Karanjia (Daughter of Mobed) said, quoted “Parsi youngsters are lured by opportunities around with EM they will be able to understand and dedicate their lives to the mobedi profession”.
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