29th November, 2019 marked the 47th Annual Athletic Meet 2019-20 of the Bai M N Gamadia Girls’ High School, where alongside the celebration of victories, lessons of sportsmen spirit, team work, hard work and time management are also imparted to the dynamic students.
Organized at the Mumbai School Sports Association (MSSA), the Meet had renowned doctor and sports personality – Dr. Beheram J Bunshah, preside as Chief Guest, alongside Principal, Zarin B Rabadi, who declared open the Sports Meet. The variety of events was exceptional with all pupils – from Nursery to Std X actively participating across events including Marchpast, races, tug-of-war, and the zealous display of Eskrima (a form of Martial Arts) by the girls. Special events/ races organized for staff, domestic staff and spectators drew a remarkable response.
One of the highlights of the entire day was the Music Band from Anjuman Islam School which received great appreciation from all. Dinmeher Bunshah awarded the winners, with Jasmin House winning the Leading House Trophy. It was indeed a day filled with excitement, cheers and achievements!