On 14th January, 2020, the Bai M N Gamadia Girls’ High School celebrated its Annual Day at the Y B Chavan Auditorium, with Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Dr. Zirak Marker presiding as the Chief Guest, alongside the Trustees and Managing Board Members of the Parsee Girls’ School Association (PGSA).
The program commenced with the National Anthem. Principal, Zarin Rabadi, introduced Dr. Zirak Marker, lauding his achievements. The event proceeded with a fluid ballet performance conceived and directed by Viloo Bharucha, followed by a delightful Welcome act, presented by the tiny tots of the Pre-primary Department.
The highlight of the event was the value-oriented play, ‘Let’s Go To The Movies’, written and directed by Odil Madeira, the Speech and Drama teacher, and enacted by students of all ages, interspersed with realistic dialogue and dazzling dances, showcasing the love for movies and its context with our real life. This was followed by a short, amusing performance entitled ‘Planet Parade’.
After the felicitation of the dignitaries on the dais, Dr. Zirak Marker addressed the gathering and appreciated the efforts put in by the students. Piya Marker distributed the prizes, merit cards, trophies and shields to students who passed their SSC examinations in 2019, along with students from various classes for achieving excellence in academics and technology. An award was also declared for the ‘Best Student of the Year’ and the ‘Best Zoroastrian Student’. The function concluded with a vote of thanks and the School Anthem.
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