Parsi Times presents our readers ‘The Zen Series’ by PT Columnist, Kashmira Shaw Raj – a professional Taichi and Qigong practitioner and teacher, as also a sought-after clinical psychologist and healer. These Zen stories will resonate with you and help you connect within, at a deeper, inner level to encourage and empower you to reflect. These make for good reading across people of all ages and speak to the reader at several levels. If you’re looking to bring about a positive change in yourself, ‘The Zen Series’ will inspire, motivate and facilitate you in realizing truths about yourself and life, to ultimately set you on the path of growth, wisdom and happiness.
This time, ‘The Zen Series’ shares the story about the how we can see the world in a drop of water by extending our consciousness onto things…
A Zen Master asked a young student to bring him a pail of water to cool his bath. The student brought the water, and after cooling the bath, threw the remainder over the ground.
“Think,” said the Master to the student. “You could have watered the temple plants with those few drops you have thrown away.”
The young student understood Zen in that exact moment. He changed his name to Tekisui, which means ‘drop of water’, and lived to become a wise Zen Master himself!
There is life in everything, and consequences to each of our actions. Most of us try hard to do the right thing until we fall prey to an impulse and end up doing something irrational or inconsiderate. We tend to lose sight of the smaller things. These small things are the foundation of one’s character and attitude. They may seem unimportant. But, is that really so?
Consider these facts… the eagle is not the only majestic bird in the sky. The tiny and humble hummingbird flaps its wings at an unbelievable 12 beats to 80 beats per second (depending on its size) and creates air currents! A feat no eagle can copy! …Also consider that the tiniest grain of mud or sand has life teeming in it and many such come together to make the formidable ant hill! …And most importantly, a little water is all it takes for some plants to grow and flourish to great heights!
Eager to please his Master, the student was only focused on the bath. For him, the leftover water was a waste. The Master had to make him realize that everything has its place in life. A sense of consideration and understanding going beyond the normal is a must. What may not be required by one might help give life to another. Nothing is waste. One needs to understand this reality.
Here’s a few things we can be more conscious about:
…The leftover water from your glass could be put in bird-baths or collected and put out for animals to drink, especially during the summers.
…Discarded newspapers could help in making objects or could help absorb moisture.
…Leftover soap scraps can be put together and dissolved in water to make a simple hand wash.
…Stems, peels and other kitchen waste that we discard could become feed for cows. Or part of composting.
There are worlds within our world. Everything has its place and purpose. We just need to open ourselves and see how much these worlds overlap. Once we are conscious, we will be conscientious and our inner space will evolve and get enriched, which in turn will improve the space around. Isn’t that what we strive for in the end? To live in a wonderful environment!
Kashmira Shaw Raj is a professional Taichi and Qigong practitioner and teacher. Also, a successful clinical psychologist, psychic and healer, Kashmira runs ‘The Tai-Qi Touch’ with her husband, Dr. Brijesh Raj, a healer and a Vet. Taichi practitioners for over fourteen years now, they are instructors in Sifu Carlton Hill’s Tao Taichi Qi Gong organization, and Shibashi Instructors under Sifu Wing Cheung from the Feng Shui and Taichi Institute, Hongkong & Canada.
The Tai-Qi Touch offers classes for adults and children at ‘Infinite Studio’ (Opp. Starbucks Café, Chowpatty, Mumbai). To contact Kashmira, M: 9323874418 or Email:
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