From the Editors Desk

From The Editor's Desk

PT Presents ‘Parsi-Preneurs’!

Dear Readers,

Our community has always been hailed for its inimitable acumen in entrepreneurship and enterprise. The grit, hard work and determination of our visionary forefathers, who settled in this magical nation, catapulted and redefined our presence as a small community with large contributions – having delivered numerous pioneers of modern India. The shine of that legendary entrepreneurial glory seems to have dulled over time. 

Parsi Times has been committed to promoting that erstwhile spirit of entrepreneurship within our community and re-igniting that ‘fire in the bellies’ of potential, ambitious entrepreneurs. And we have been successful in providing many small and mid-sized budding Parsi businesses, the initial platform to launch their products and services. 

The unforgiving pandemic, that the world has been desperately battling for well over a year now, has destroyed in its wake, lives and livelihoods. Many community members lost their jobs or had to endure pay-cuts, finding it difficult to make ends meet. But, known to convert challenges to chances, the instinct to make lemonade when life throws you lemons, had many of our enterprising community members embrace entrepreneurship – starting out with small businesses – home-based or otherwise. 

Parsi Times is delighted to present ‘Parsi-Preneurs’ (Pg. 14) – a column which promotes and encourages our self-motivated and dynamic Parsi entrepreneurs, looking to grow their enterprise. Let’s come together as a community and make a difference by supporting our fellow Parsis during these challenging times. You never know – we might just be able to instigate an entrepreneurial phoenix in our community and relive that glory again!

Have a good weekend!

– Anahita


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