Ahura Mazda’s own angel, Sarosh Yazad, protects our mortal form and our immortal souls, from birth to divine judgement, after our passing. Parsi Times presents the concluding part of the article based on the most powerful and sacred Sarosh Yazad – Our Keeper And Protector
Immediately after death, when the soul leaves the body, its state is like that of a newly born infant. Sarosh Yazad looks after the soul for the first three days and nights, till the Judgement of the soul takes place on the dawn of the fourth day after death. On the fourth day after death, Sarosh Yazad guides the soul of the deceased across the Chinwad Bridge, a figurative spiritual bridge which links the material world to the spiritual world.
The souls of the righteous cross the bridge without difficulty, onwards to heaven, but the souls of the wicked people plunge into the abyss of hell. Sarosh Yazad is also present at the time of the Judgement. Hence all rituals performed for the soul for the first three days and nights are done with the invocation of Sarosh Yazad. Sarosh Yazad is also invoked in all Afringan prayer rituals for the departed ones.
Sarosh Yazad believed to have sung the Gathas before the advent of Prophet Asho Zarathushtra in the world?
Er. Karanjia: Sarosh Yazad is the angel who brings Divine guidance and revelation, and is our source of connection to the Divine intelligence. As the Gathas of Zarathushtra were communicated to him by Sarosh Yazad, it is stated in the third Karda of Sarosh Yasht Vadi, that Sarosh Yazad was the first to sing the five Gathas.
It is believed that praying the Nirang just before going to bed protects one from the onslaught of Ahriman and his dark forces. Many people pray it at the entrance door of the house before locking up for the night. It is believed that it keeps all evil out and brings good vibrations to the home.
It is believed that praying the Nirang just before going to bed protects one from the onslaught of Ahriman and his dark forces. Many people pray it at the entrance door of the house before locking up for the night. It is believed that it keeps all evil out and brings good vibrations to the home. While the Sarosh Yasht Hadokht may be prayed only during Day-light hours, the Vadi Yasht must be recited only between sunset and mid-night, in the Avisutram Geh.
It is the recommended duty to all Zoroastrians to pray this Yasht every night. Sarosh Yazad comforts, guides and protects from darkness of circumstance and of the mind every soul within the living and the released soul after death. Therefore, He is prayed to at night, to protect a Zoroastrian from the dangers of the dark vibrations of the night until dawn.
The main prayers which elicit the protection of Sarosh Yazad include the Sarosh Baj, Sarosh Yasht Hadokht and Sarosh Yasht Vadi, the Baj of Sarosh specially prayed before a bath or a funeral, the Baj Dharna ritual of Sarosh Yazad which is different from all other Baj ceremonies and requires 6 ‘Darans’ and the Sarosh No Kardo or the Sarosh Nu Patru. The Vahishthoisht Gatha says that Asho Sarosh Yazad has taken the responsibility of fulfilling Pak Ahura Mazda’s mission to create a Universe of goodness!
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