We thank all our participants for the overwhelming response to our Jamshedi Navroz 2022 Contest, ‘What Being Parsi Means To Me’. We received some fabulous poetries and pics which displayed great talent and enthusiasm! Heartiest Congratulations to our following Top 5 Winners!
Nyrah Irani (our youngest 2½-year-old reader!)
WINNER 2: Freyan S. Wadia
Gather round, young and old,
For there’s a story to be told,
Of rugged mountains, desert sand,
Of burning soul… and a lost homeland.
Fiery mountains wreathe her crown,
Gold, from first light to sundown,
Robed in scarlet the poppy lent,
And gilded in the wild roses’ scent.
Home to a dark-eyed warrior race,
That kneels to Fire’s powerful grace,
With sunlight’s glint on armoured youth
That drew the bow and told the truth.
Writ in fluid script and sonorous tongue –
Epics of kings, heroes, old and young,
Of wars that were won… until they were not…
And the reign of the sun was soon forgot.
I’ll spare the account of those that weren’t,
And of bloodstained fields and scriptures burnt;
And the clouds of smoke and ruin that spread
The future for conformists and the dead.
Three ships departed from the shore,
To return nevermore,
The sun set as it did before,
Upon the land that was home no more.
Do not grieve this loss so deep,
That you forget what we got to keep;
For freedom bought with blood and life
Is freedom still – though at a heavy price.
So, before you cast your faith away,
Upon burning coals and go astray,
Know that someone left all they knew,
For it to be upheld – by me and you.
Thousand-year scars have redder grown
But someday, when, I cannot own,
I know that I shall come back home.
I know that I shall come back home.
WINNER 3: Meher Parvez Sutaria
What does ‘Being Parsi’ mean to me?
Well, it makes me proud to the highest degree!
Our great community across the world is known,
For we have carved a special niche of our own.
Many great gems worldwide belong to our community,
Though, in jest, we are teased for our eccentricity;
Without doubt, our loyalty and honesty go hand in hand,
That’s how we sincerely project our ‘Parsi Brand’.
As Parsis, we’re always associated with great love for food,
But in various other fields too, we’ve been far too good;
In our glorious community, many stalwarts have been born,
Their portraits and statues, many places adorn.
Our religion encourages creation of wealth and charity,
Hence Parsis have shared their success through philanthropy.
They’ve built beautiful Baugs, hospitals and schools,
Environmental cleanliness is our fundamental rule.
Although Parsis are a happy- go-lucky lot,
Living by the tenets of ‘Humata, Hukta, Huvarshta’ is always sought.
With utter faith and devotion we do abide,
To our holy prophet Zarathushtra as our eternal guide.
WINNER 4: Ruby Daruwalla
Parsis are born with a tag of literacy and decency,
Respected the world over for our charity, philanthropy.
A legacy of pioneers in medicine, law or atomic energy.
Luminaries like Tatas, Poonawallas, shine for their patriotism and honesty.
Being a Parsi is not only about the 3 golden words we preach,
There’s also ‘moovo’, ‘luchho’ and ‘gadhero’ at an instant’s reach!
There is no vegetable left, on which I have not tried an egg;
There is no day complete without a Poro, Margi and Daru-no-Peg!
The only word missing in my dictionary is ‘Diet’,
I wonder how one can exist without fish, chicken and getting tight!
I pray that every birth I am born Parsi,
And hold upright the flag of Manashni, Gavashni and Kunashni.
Winner 5: Burzin Mehta
The Dagli Danglers!
[Winners are requested to email us at: editor@parsi-times.com to collect your gifts.]
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