The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on 8th September, 2022, left many within the community with a sense of loss, especially amongst our senior community members, who still refer to her as ‘Aapri Rani’.
But for Delnaz and Rohinton Marker it came as a surprise to see their 7-year-old daughter – Simone, being affected by the news the family was watching on the BBC channel, withdrew to her room and drew a portrait of the queen – as a silent tribute of a sensitive child.
Moved by this, Rohinton decided to send the portrait to King Charles III with a condolence letter. Knowing it would be one amongst thousands that the King received, the family forgot about the letter. That is, until the morning of 23rd November, when they were received a thank you note from Buckingham Palace, emblazoned with the Royal Crest and addressed to Simone Marker and her family! The endearing photo of a young queen with Charles as a boy will find a place of pride in the Marker home!