Celebrating Love!
Dear Readers,
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s the time when singles repent for not having mingled enough, and the attached miss the freedom to mingle! One could tend to feel a little lonely if you’re missing that ‘special someone’ to celebrate the occasion with, considering we live in a society largely obsessed with the concept of romance… as a community with an increasing singles’ count.
But should we choose to celebrate love in its holistic form, we understand that love is so much more than just about romance between couples – it’s uncategorized, but more so, unconditional. And the only way we are capable of loving or being loved like that, is when we love ourselves as much. So, immaterial of your relationship status, do not believe for a moment that you’re incomplete without a significant other, because love is definitely not the reserve of a single capacity.
As grateful survivors of the deadly pandemic, we’ve hopefully grown wiser, having experienced it all – fears and apprehensions, empowerment and empathy, loss and gratitude, introspection and epiphanies, new normals and renewed relationships. And more than ever, we have understood the magical power of love in healing. They say the only thing we never get enough of, is love, and the only thing we can never give enough, is also love. So let’s give of it and receive it in as much abundance!
And while you’re sharing all that love with your dear ones, don’t forget to love yourself – which is probably one of the most difficult of all things to do. But here’s a clue, in the words of the great poet and philosopher, Rumi, with, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Have a ‘LOVE’ly weekend!
– Anahita
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