Pashan Broacha, son of Er. Hanoz and Delnaz Broacha, completed his Navar rituals on 16th March, 2023, (Ardibehest Roj, Ava Mahino), setting foot into priesthood with full dedication, under the able guidance of Er. Eric Dastur and Er. Farzad Ravji. The Navar ceremony was performed in remembrance of Pashan’s grandfather – Late Cyrus Noshir Cooper, at the Malcom Baugh Agiary.
Er. Pashan learnt his Navar prayers in one year, under supervision of Er. Eric Dastur and was also helped by his father, Er. Hanoz. He now looks to soon getting his ordainment as Maratab. Pashan is excellent in academics and is fond of skating, cycling and playing the keyboard.
Heartiest Congratulations to Er. Pashan on being ordained Navar – may he go on to serve our community with great zeal and dedication!
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