Having put in 22 years in Lionism, Lion Viraf Keki Mistry from Lions Club of (Bombay) South Hill, has been chosen as the new District Governor (Elect) for 2024-25. He has held several prestigious District positions from 2005, and has worked with all the Past International Officers (Earlier titled Past District Governors).
A dynamic leader, Viraf looks to bringing about positive change and is an independent, professional-minded, grassroot Lion – always helping others. Capt. Percy Master, Principal District PRO (Designate) – District 3231-A1, shared, “The world belongs to leaders, the doers and not the talkers, people with plenty of commitment, capability, consistency, creativity, youth and humility – he (Viraf) has all that, as he works from his heart… his virtue is highlighted by his courage, selfless dedication and his ability to brush off criticism with a smile!”
With both parents also dedicated to the Lions movement, his mother Lion Dr. Lily K Mistry has put in 27 years in Lionism. Often quoted as, ‘the shining star of the District and Encyclopedia of Lionistic knowledge’, Lion Viraf joined Lionism in 2002 as Charter President.