About 50 community members attended the Member’s Night, organised by WZCC’s Pune chapter, in association with the Women’s Entrepreneur Wing, at the Poona Club on 29th March, 2024.
Behnaz Nanavatti – WZCC Pune Youth representative and host, invited Chapter Chair – Tehmasp Bharucha on stage, who welcomed members and briefed them on past and future events of the Pune Chapter. He encouraged greater participation amongst members as he introduced speakers – Adam Organ, a tech-expert and ultra-endurance athlete and entrepreneur; and Rashna Deboo – trauma-informed psychologist, EMDR therapist and self-employed mental health practitioner. The event was also graced by WZCC Global President – Capt. Percy Master and his wife, Arin, alongside CEO Aspi Antia.
Adam shared his impressive weight loss journey and lessons learnt from mountain climbing – Everesting 29029. He spoke about enjoying life’s journey, sustaining our passions and persevering our goals. He was then felicitated by Tehmasp Bharucha. Rashna stressed the importance of mental health, sharing her experience-based case studies regarding factors impacting mental wellbeing and course-corrections. She was felicitated by Arin Percy Master.
Capt. Master emphasised the importance removing stress from the lives of children, and fortifying the Zoroastrian faith with recitation of prayers and the power of prayer. He spoke about WZCC’s funding program extending aid for business and start-ups to Zoroastrian professionals and was pleased to inform 100% recovery from earlier beneficiaries. He also informed about the newly designed website (wzcc.org) and detailed future plans and direction of WZCC.
Viraf Deboo – senior WZCC Pune and International Director, spoke about the growing membership, starting new chapters and shared updates on the successful Global Conclave held in Pune. Behnaz Nanavatti then conducted a few games with prizes given to winners. Farida Deboo gave the vote of thanks, after which members enjoyed dinner and networking.