The XYZ ‘Cook Off 2024’, which took place on 20th April, 2024, was more than just a culinary competition – it was about spreading joy through cooking for a cause. Participating teams were tasked with creating delicious dishes, using only 10 ingredients (as XYZ is currently celebrating its 10th year), showcasing their creativity and culinary skills, based on a Superhero of their choice! The highlight was that the dishes were then ‘sold’ to NGO kids who were provided with special XYZ tokens, bringing smiles to their faces, and spreading happiness through food.
Every team flaunted much creativity via their dishes, even as the aroma of the prepared snacks wafted through the venue, drawing in curious onlookers and enthused NGO kids alike, who eagerly lined up to sample the delectable offerings.
The judges of the event, Hufriz Motawara, Hoshang Velati and Meher Dasondi were greatly impressed with the culinary skills of the talented XYZs and results were based on the marks given by judges (60%) as well as the number of tokens collected by way of sales (40%), thus getting teams to also show off their marketing skills. Ketayun’s Conquerors came out on top as overall Champions of the event the XYZ Cook Off 2024.
The event was truly a celebration of community, creativity and compassion via the act of cooking and sharing food, thus serving as a strong reminder of the power of kindness and generosity. The event concluded on a happy note with fulfilled hearts, satiated stomachs, and pleasant memories.