Wings’17, the All-Parsi Sports and Cultural Festival, organized in association with the Sir Ness Wadia Memorial Pavilion, will kick off on 26th October, 2017, with over three hundred teams and individual registrations. Wings’17 promises to be a buzzing festival with a jam packed schedule including indoor and outdoor sports and virtual gaming. Its finale event ‘Bawa’s Got Talent’ goes on the floors on the eve of 29th October at the Rustom Baug pavilion. Hosted by the charismatic Hormuz Ragina, the contestants will present a face off, highlighting some of the finest young talents of the community. WINGS’17 is grateful to its generous benefactors and Media Partner Parsi Times and invites all to ‘Wings 2017’ at Rustom Baug from 26th to 29th October, 2017.
- કેવો સુંદર જવાબ! - 29 March2025
- પારસી સન્નારીઓ તેમના જાદુઈ સ્પર્શ સાથે બની સુરત મેરિયોટ અથવા લાઇન્સના રસોડાની રાણીઓ - 29 March2025
- મોબેદ મેહરાબાન ફિરોઝગરીનું અવસાન - 29 March2025