As we enter 2020, an increasing need is felt to take care of one’s health – more so for the ladies who are unaware of the importance of being fit in the world we live in.
We celebrate Women’s Day and we talk about gender equality – both such beautiful concepts. Let’s try and bring equality in terms of fitness as well. Being fit is as important to women if not more than what it is for men.
A story from Brazil that was all over the internet recently goes like this – A man tries to rob a young girl, the young girl retaliates, and how, she beats him black and blue, to the extent that the robber pleaded her to call the police so that the police would save him from her. The girl was UFC athlete, Polyana Viana. Sure, she had fighting skills but fitness allows you to exhibit your skills. You need to be fit to even run away from threats like these!
Sometimes our survival may depend on our fitness. A deer can’t show a medical certificate of being unfit to a
As we enter 2020, an increasing need is felt to take care of one’s health – more so for the ladies who are unaware of the importance of being fit in the world we live in.
We celebrate Women’s Day and we talk about gender equality – both such beautiful concepts. Let’s try and bring equality in terms of fitness as well. Being fit is as important to women if not more than what it is for men.
A story from Brazil that was all over the internet recently goes like this – A man tries to rob a young girl, the young girl retaliates, and how, she beats him black and blue, to the extent that the robber pleaded her to call the police so that the police would save him from her. The girl was UFC athlete, Polyana Viana. Sure, she had fighting skills but fitness allows you to exhibit your skills. You need to be fit to even run away from threats like these!
Sometimes our survival may depend on our fitness. A deer can’t show a medical certificate of being unfit to a lion who is chasing it – it has to run for dear life!
When I ask boys in my class as to whether they can lift their partners, sisters and mothers and take them to safety in case of any emergency – the answer is generally a colossal and an emphatic YES. When asked, “do you expect your partner or sister to lift you up and take you to safety in case you need help?” The answer is generally a meek NO, with exceptions of boys blessed with strong women in their lives.
Women naturally have lesser muscle mass and hence lesser strength compared to men due to the difference in the hormonal profile of both the genders. On top of that, if women start to neglect fitness, then it’s literally throwing in the towel for degenerative diseases to take over.
Menopausal women generally suffer from low bone density – a condition called osteoporosis. This is a serious condition in which the bones are so brittle that they become highly susceptible to fractures. Exercise, especially resistance training, helps restore bone mineral mass which makes the bone stronger along with the muscles.
Generally, when it comes to doing physical labor such as shifting furniture, lifting big bags or lifting ailing grandparents from the bed and putting them on the chair, such works are handled by the male members of the family. Let’s reverse the role and call upon our girls to do the same work, if the girl is strong enough to do that sort of work, can you imagine the thrill, the exhilaration and the feeling of being empowered that she will get?
Why do you think some women get this addiction of training in the gym? A woman addicted to training is a stronger bond than a man addicted to training because for a woman, training in the gym gives her the power that she never thought she had; She won’t let go of such powers easily.
So, my question to all the ladies is this – why don’t you enjoy such powers, the exhilarating feeling of being strong and empowered? Step out, look for a gym which has qualified trainers and get to work! Afterall, why should boys have all the fun?!
lion who is chasing it – it has to run for dear life!
When I ask boys in my class as to whether they can lift their partners, sisters and mothers and take them to safety in case of any emergency – the answer is generally a colossal and an emphatic YES. When asked, “do you expect your partner or sister to lift you up and take you to safety in case you need help?” The answer is generally a meek NO, with exceptions of boys blessed with strong women in their lives.
Women naturally have lesser muscle mass and hence lesser strength compared to men due to the difference in the hormonal profile of both the genders. On top of that, if women start to neglect fitness, then it’s literally throwing in the towel for degenerative diseases to take over.
Menopausal women generally suffer from low bone density – a condition called osteoporosis. This is a serious condition in which the bones are so brittle that they become highly susceptible to fractures. Exercise, especially resistance training, helps restore bone mineral mass which makes the bone stronger along with the muscles.
Generally, when it comes to doing physical labor such as shifting furniture, lifting big bags or lifting ailing grandparents from the bed and putting them on the chair, such works are handled by the male members of the family. Let’s reverse the role and call upon our girls to do the same work, if the girl is strong enough to do that sort of work, can you imagine the thrill, the exhilaration and the feeling of being empowered that she will get?
Why do you think some women get this addiction of training in the gym? A woman addicted to training is a stronger bond than a man addicted to training because for a woman, training in the gym gives her the power that she never thought she had; She won’t let go of such powers easily.
So, my question to all the ladies is this – why don’t you enjoy such powers, the exhilarating feeling of being strong and empowered? Step out, look for a gym which has qualified trainers and get to work! Afterall, why should boys have all the fun?!
Vivek Singh Rajput
Senior Faculty
K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences
Fitness Icon Kaizzad Capadia
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