On 26th May, 2020, WZCC conducted a Webinar by Zerick Dastur on ‘Lockdown And Legal Issues’. Zerick Dastur covered a number of relevant topics including ‘The Impact on Contracts and Contractual Rights as a result of COVID-19 and the lockdown; ‘The Impact in connection with Payment Of Wages For Employees’; and the issue surrounding ‘Payment Of Rent To Landlords By Licensees And Tenants.’
He explore the concept of the Force Majeure clause in contracts, exempts a performing party from its obligations upon the happening of certain events over which a party has no control, akin to the nature of acts of god, like natural calamities or man-made events like wars, strikes, lock outs, etc. Zerick shared how the Bombay High Court in a recent matter held that Covid-19 and the lockdown is a temporary event and for a party to avail of the remedy of frustration, the event would have to be something more permanent in nature. He also highlighted other cases where courts have granted and cases where courts have refused to grant relief to a party claiming frustration. He explained that the remedy is exceptional and not the norm as is granted in the rarest of rare cases.
With regard to the payment of wages for employees, in keeping with the ongoing efforts to balance this delicate situation, he surmised that the best approach would be one that is amicable and conciliatory, where employers and employees can work out their solutions and the way forward in the mutual interest of the employers and employees. As regards rental issues, he expounded that decisions would be made based on the contractual as well as the legal aspects. [Those interested in watching the recorded webinar could log on: https://youtu.be/gmmWaMNaERc]
On a conclusive note, Zerick commended the efforts of the WZCC, sharing that the institution stands on the edifice of professionalism, entrepreneurship, integrity and support, while providing new avenues and opportunities for members of our community via the necessary platform to explore new ideas, access to knowledge, business contacts and networks – thereby creating a ‘Circle of Hope’.
Speaking to Parsi Times, Aspi Antia, CEO – WZCC – India, said, “WZCC aims at covering various facets concerning Trade / Business / Commerce / Entrepreneurship / Professionalism. Due to the current circumstances, several Webinars have been organised by WZCC Chapters around the world, which are addressed by accomplished individuals whose expertise makes these Webinars extremely interesting, informative and educative. Each webinar arranged so far has been attended by over 200 participants as the topics covered are very relevant, particularly to the post-COVID scenario. At present WZCC has allowed its Members & Non-members to participate in these Webinars with the hope that our Community will see reap the advantages of becoming a WZCC member.”
Parsi Times’ Tech Columnist and Tech-Specialist, Yazdi Tantra has been conducting a series of Zoom Meetings online on Technology for the Layman under the title, ‘TantraTech’, covering topics including Google, Chrome Extensions, Google Keep and Google Drive. The meetings are held at 9:30pm (IST) every Friday and can be attended at: https://zoom.us/j/8487251418. Instructions for joining are available at https://bit.ly/Zoom_Instns and past recordings are available on YouTube at https://bit.ly/yazdiyoutube. [Contact: Yazdi Tantra at yazdit@gmail.com].
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