Moobedyar Dr. Rashin Jahangiri has ranked first place in the Ph.D admissions of ‘Ancient Culture and Languages of Persia’, in Iran’s nation-wide highly competitive entrance exams. With only three out of hundreds of candidates being admitted, this marks the very first time in history that a Zoroastrian woman has achieved this honour!
A Doctor of Medicine (MD) graduate from the Shahid Beheshti University of Iran in 2005, Moobedyar Dr. Jahangiri received her Masters’ Degree in ‘Ancient Culture and Languages of Persia’ from the same university in 2020. Her MS dissertation is titled ‘Mythological Study Of Izad Vayu Deity’s Character Based On Ram-Yasht’. She is the prospective Ph.D student and researcher of this field in Humanities Research University of Iran.
Moobedyar Dr. Jahangiri was among the first and only group of female Moobedyars approved and licensed by the Anjuman Moobedan of Tehran, in 2010. She has devoted her time and efforts in teaching the Gathas and Din-Dabireh to Zoroastrian youth and adults for over two decades.
Her extensive knowledge, experience, commitment and hard work have been fruitful in the publication of many research papers and articles in the Zoroastrian Religion and Culture Studies. Her recently published illustrative books in Farsi and in three series, titled, ‘Teaching Of Din-Dabireh Alphabets’ are used in Avestan classes in Iran as the official resource for teaching Din-Dabireh alphabets to Zoroastrian children and youth.
[Courtesy: FEZANA]