Community Engagement = Community Empowerment
Dear Readers,
To be born into the Parsi community is a privilege. We’re blessed with a platform that commands respect and admiration and of course, a lot of benefits, thanks to our diligent, visionary forefathers. We have Trusts that cater for all our needs, from birth to death, with grants for education and medical expenses; doles, and of course, free/subsidized housing – the most valuable advantage of all.
Unfortunately, over time, gratitude for these benefits has been replaced by a sense of entitlement… while most of us relish our rights as beneficiaries, we conveniently seem to have forgotten our responsibilities. There’s been a rise in an unhealthy sense of indifference towards community commitment, or even engagement. And its glaring results are prominently seen in the ongoing battle amidst our own community leaders, people we elected for safeguarding and advocating community interests and welfare.
But we need to understand that the progress of any community calls for the investment of time and effort from both – its publics and its leaders. Meaningful and inclusive community engagement is key to community wellbeing – it starts with cultivating an interest and staying informed about the ongoings within the community. More importantly, it’s about enabling and engaging in a community-led conversation – a productive dialogue comprising regular feedback from both ends – our decision-makers and community members. Community engagement keeps our leaders accountable and adds to the transparency over the decision-making process. It drives the much-needed transformation.
As a tiny community, we need to be that much more invested and engaged in community affairs, to sustain and empower this glorious legacy, so we can hand it over to our oncoming generations with as much responsibility and promise, as it was bequeathed to us.
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
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