A Letter From Our Pall Bearers (Khandias)
It’s a well-known fact that people with half knowledge are more dangerous than people with no knowledge. More so, people who professes knowing everything are worse than all others. This holds true for Dr. Homavazir.
Dr. Homavazir is trying to create a rift amongst the management of the BPP Trust, workers and the Union by publishing such nefarious, false and vile articles against their own community and is, in fact, trying to encourage everyone to let go of process of law, and further to disobey laws of the land by making such false accusations in her article.
We Khandias have been under the banner of Mumbai Mazdoor Sabha, a statutorily Recognised Union under the law, being headed by President – Ms. Chandbibi Zaidi, and General Secretary – Mr. Dhunji Naterwalla, for more than the past 2 decades. The Union encompasses people from all ‘over India sans religion, caste or creed’, and is a glaring example of secularism, our country represents.
Our Union fights for all people. Had it not been for our Union, our salary would have stagnated below the minimum wages. Some of us came to be employed on a meagre salary of Rs. 1,000/-, around 30-40 years back and we are proud to say that today our salary ranges from Rs. 26,000/- at the minimum to 39,000/- at maximum. All this has been possible because of sincere efforts put in by our Union. May we state herein that none of the so-called Parsi patriots have ever bothered to espouse our cause at all and instead have been making every effort to make us serve their community like bonded labour!
The email sent by Dr. Homavazir is full of blatant lies. Ms. Zaidi has never used any threat against anyone and in fact she enjoys quite cordial relations with every staff member and management. However, it seems that certain section of people like Dr. Homavazir are not happy with peaceful and cordial atmosphere prevailing in the Punchayet and therefore to achieve her vile and ulterior motive, she has launched this vile propaganda, not against the Trustees, but also against the workmen and the Union office bearers.
We are fully aware that this Dr. Homavazir has never ever met Ms. Chandbibi Zaidi even once in her sordid lifetime. Yet she has already formed a misleading opinion about her which leads credence to Dr. Homavazir’s otherwise wild, baseless and false propaganda.
We are also sure that Dr. Homavazir is not aware of provisions of labour laws relating to revision in service conditions. She is also not aware to the ground reality as to why the last settlement got delayed. However, in pursuance to her own vested interests and to promote interests of like-minded people, she has made these wild, baseless and false allegations.
We would also like to place on record that once a settlement expires, new settlement would become effective from the date of expiry of the last Settlement. Therefore, it is completely irrelevant whether new settlement is arrived at before or after the date of expiry of the last settlement, as long as cordial relations are maintained between the Union and the Management, considering the larger interest of general public.
Last but not the least, the credential of Dr. Homavazir and other like-minded persons has suffered a major blow to their vilé propaganda as the Election Commissioner has dismissed complaint filed by Dr. Homavazir, wherein she had allegedly sought to restrain Management from signing settlement with the Union. Whilst rejecting her false claim, the Election Commissioner has specifically observed that it is statutory obligation of the management to negotiate and conclude the Settlement with the Union.
We therefore humbly request you to kindly publish this Article in your esteemed publication to prevent such anti-Parsi entities from creating rift on the basis of caste, creed and sex, as is being done by Dr. Homavazir.
Noshir A. Patrawata; Ratam Wagchipwala; Melhi Sutaria; Sam Vesuna; Noshir Patel; Shahrukh Wadia; Kersi Daruwalla; Porush Tangri; Ardeshir Bhobti; Malcolm Amrolia; Farzad Astin; and Viraf Khambatta. (Names of Khandias)
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