Letters To The Editor

Kersi-The Mestro
Dear Editor,
This has reference to your article ‘Oh Lord, Thank You For The Music’ – a very appropriate tribute beautifully penned by Hoshang Katrak. Yes, Kersi was indeed a musical encyclopedia. He was fond of Western as well as Indian music. In fact, the entire family was blessed with talent for music. I was fortunate to meet Kersi at an exhibition of Old Indian Musical Records at Prabhadevi seven years back, where he narrated his experience with Indian film music with different directors. After the show was over, I was shocked to see Kersi waiting for a taxi! Being a collector of records and lover of Indian music, I stopped my car and offered him a lift to his residence. Since it was almost midnight he thankfully accepted my offer stating that he had some problem with his car.

From Prabhadevi to Bandra there was only one topic of our discussion — MUSIC. Within no time we were at his residence. He was so humble that he offered me to come to his house and have a cup of tea or coffee. Unfortunately, it was past midnight, so I excused myself. Five to six years after this meeting, I happened to meet him once again at Dinanath Mangeshkar Hall at Parle where he was the Chief Guest at a Musical program in memory of music Director Nausad Saheb. During the interval , I approached him at back stage asking him whether he remembered me.He immediately hug me saying “how can I forget Homi Dalal, who offered me lift some years back”. I was shocked,since he remembered my name after a long period of five to six years. Such was his memory.

The other quality, which I observed in him, was his simplicity and down to earth, unassuming character. Nobody would believe that this short simple man was a pride of the community. His contribution to Hindi cinema music will be remembered for years to come. I have been informed by one of his colleagues that he could play any musical instrument with ease and that too with perfection, though his favourite instruments were accordion and drums.
Community has lost a genius and Bollywood a Mestro.
Prayer for Garothman Behest to the departed.
Homi Dalal

Good Going PT!
Dear Editor,
This is in reference to a lovely tribute paid to fine musician Late Kersi Lord by Hoshang Katrak. I really enjoyed reading about the information he shared. The tribute was very well compiled. Also I find Mr. Katrak’s film reviews crisp and enjoyable. And above all, I find his ratings very accurate. Keep up the good work Mr. Katrak and Parsi Times!
Farzana Cooper

Sad Time For Our Community

Dear Editor,
It is indeed a sad time for our community to see two of our most cherished and highly respected businessmen and industrialists go to war. Ratan Tata has been the hero and an idol of our community and Cyrus Mistry is the new face that served as the icon of the enterprising youth of this generation.
The last thing expected was this kind of action and reaction by the revered Mr. Tata and Mr. Mistry, respectively. I sincerely hope that this doesn’t mark the beginning of yet another long legal tussle between the stalwarts of our community. It would be sad to see things get uglier. Our community is anyways short of heros, this is the last thing we need! I hope that all things get settled amicably between these two great people.
Maharukh J. Rustomjee

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