Everyday, Meherbai and Merwanji relaxed in the mornings with hot cups of tea after an hour-long walk, followed by meditation on their Colony’s garden bench, soaking in the early morning pranik shakti, the pure energies of trees, flowers, grass and enjoying their daily bites of nature. Today was no different except that Meherbai went up […]
Author: Ruby Lilaowala
Happy Birthday PT
Today, Parsi Times steps into its seventh year of publication. Staring in a small way under its previous editor, Freyan Bhathena, the Weekly has become extremely popular under the present editor, Anahita Subedar. With meaningful editorials and a team of versatile writers, Parsi Times affords the most interesting reading for the community Saturday after Saturday: […]
Meherbai’s Aphoos – Party Goes Phoos!!
As readers already know, Meherbai and her Mandli of ‘girls’ (all over 70) were a Khanar-Peenar (eating-drinking) bunch who believed in enjoying life to the hilt. They all agreed that in a nation immune to scams, dirty-politics, rapes, poverty, lawlessness, the arrogance of politicians, Bans, demonetization and absconders, a mango-party is God-sent! Meherbai ordered 10 boxes […]
The Powerful Energies Of Money
Like everything else in life, money has powerful energies which one can attract, if you have the right attitude towards it, which is to be ‘rich in the mind’. Never use negative terms like ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘This is too expensive’. This shows the poverty of your mind and the Universe picks-up these […]
Meherbai’s Mann-Ki-Baat!
Meherwanji read out a headline from a newspaper to Meherbai which said, ‘Short naps can make you happier.’ Meherbai: It says ‘short’ naps whereas you have breakfast and doze-off till lunch, after which you snore like a Ghat Nu Engine till tea-time! Meherwanji: Maybe that’s why I’m happy despite insomnia at night! Meherbai: What insomnia? After eating and sleeping the […]
Meherbai And The Single Burning Question
It was Sheroo’s birthday. She was Meherbai’s neighbour and the birthday-girl personally did all the chowk-chadan-toran-sagan herself before carrying a silver tray containing sev-dahi-banana and a boiled egg covered with a delicate embroidered muslin. Sheroo desperately wanted to get married and ever since she was 20, her parents, friends and match-makers (kaj-walis who were themselves spinsters) showed […]
Meherbai And The Story Of ‘25 Slaps’
At their usual Chai-pe-Charcha session, this time at the US Club at Colaba, Meherbai’s Mandli drove the waiter crazy (so what’s new?) with each one ordering a different dish and different preferences ranging from “Don’t put salt!”, “Put more salt!”, “No Ajinomoto in the soup!”, ” Yes, more Ajinomoto!”, “Make it sweet!”, “No sugar please!”, […]
The Sacred Element Of Water
The earliest form of life began in water because of the play of extreme hot and cold temperatures inside and outside the thermal-vents along the ocean beds which created life (science calls this molecular synthesis).This magical quality of water, which generates a rich biodiversity, right from the water-bacteria to a giant whale, is […]
Every Yazdi Karanjia play is a family-affair with Yezdi’s talented family members in the cast (Gher-No-Ghambar). However, Yezdi carries this play entirely on his shoulders as always while delineating the role of the protagonist Dinshawji, taking us down memory lane to the original play in which Dinshaw Daji played the stellar role. Lukewarm at the […]
Statutory Warning: This play is injurious to health because you may fall off your seat while laughing, especially during the first half! Any play from Silly Point Productions is not at all silly since laughter is serious ‘business’ for them. (Pun on ‘business’ intended considering the ticket prices!) This play picks you up from the very first […]
Understanding Unity Of Life
Occult literature is full of allusions to the underlying oneness on which all oriental philosophy rests. You can find it everywhere if you really look for it. Upanishads call it cosmic-consciousness. Hinduism explains the one life force in all forms, shapes, colours and sentient beings with Tat Tvam Asi or ‘Thou are that’. The German […]