Letters to the Editor

Meherbai Hits The Nail On The Head! Ruby’s ‘Meherbai’ has indeed hit the nail on the head by saying that Baug Weddings with proper sit-down patras are far better than fancy receptions in hotels and various other places. ‘Apra Meherbai’ always tells home-truths about our community matters, like youngster’s nakhras, late marriages, waste of money […]

Letters To The Editor

The Orthodox V/s The Orthodox! Anahita Subedar quipped ‘From the Editor’s Desk’ PT of 27 October, saying, “To think Zoroastrianism needs ‘defending’… is seriously undermining the glory and the power of our religion.” One can call puny present defenders of faith as having holier-than-thou attitude or being presumptuous or pompous or simply bigoted. The world’s […]