Since childhood we have been taught to lead our lives based on the three magical principles of Humata, Hukta and Hvrashtra, given to us by our beloved Prophet Zarathustra, thousands of years ago. What if I tell you that the world today uses the same principles of Humata, Hukta and Hvrashtra as a super powerful […]
Tag: 20 May 2023 Issue
ZYA Poona Beats The Heat With All-Pune Parsee Indoor Sports Tournament & Summer Camp
The Zoroastrian Youth Association (ZYA), Poona, partnered with J J Building Sports Committee to organise the very first chapter of the ‘All-Pune Parsee Indoor Sports Tournament’, over the last couple of weekends. Headed by Cyrus Malegamwala, the event had over 140 participants, from ages 10 to 78 years, vying to get top place competing in […]
True Significance And Relevance of Gahambar
In recent times, we have unfortunately reduced Gahambar to a travesty. In not-so-distant history, we have been witness to so-called Gahambars hosted by individuals who had aspired to become Trustees of certain community institutions or by those who won the elections. There is also a variety known as the ‘fee no Gahambar,’ which is a […]
Dr. Cyres Mehta Awarded ‘Fellow Of The Collegium Of AIOS’ At Annual Conference
Dr. Cyres Mehta, the nation’s leading Ophthalmologist, reckoned globally for his unparalleled genius and breakthroughs in the field of professional eye-care, was felicitated with the prestigious title: ‘Fellow Of The Collegium’ at the 81st Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS – India’s most prominent Ophthalmological association), which was held at the Grand […]