
Adar Mahino, Adar Roj Mubarak! Dear Readers, Today – Adar Mahino, Adar Roj – marks one of the most auspicious days of all in the Parsi calendar, being the birth anniversary of our most holy fire, or Atash-nu-Parab. Adar Mahino is looked upon as the most propitious month, signifying the birth-month of the very core […]

Dasturji Kookadaru Saheb

. A simple man, one who lived a humble and yet exalted existence. Dastoorji Kookadaru Saheb, the divinely smiling photograph in all Agiaries and Atashbehrams belies the lofty status of the revered Dastoorji Saheb. Kookadaru Sahebji and his life is perhaps the most recent recorded history that we have, which proves beyond any doubt, the […]