The Season And Reason To Love

This year, the pre-spring festival of Vasant Panchami coincides with Valentine’s Day on 14th February, 2024. Vasant (meaning spring) Panchami (meaning fifth or the festival falling on the fifth day of the Hindu month of Magha), is considered an auspicious day to begin any new venture. In like manner, Zoroastrians, especially in Iran celebrated Jashn-e-Sadeh on 30th January, 2024, fifty days […]

Let’s Go Green This Month Of Amardad!

We are currently observing the month of Amardad as per the Shahanshahi calendar. Amardad (Avesta Ameretat) represents Ahura Mazda’s quality of eternity. Amardad is also the seventh Amesha Spenta (Bounteous Immortal) presiding over vegetation. Green vegetation and freshness go hand in hand. There is an expression in the English language about ‘keeping the memory (especially […]

Khordad – In Pursuit Of Excellence!

15th October, 2023, (tomorrow), marks the first day (Roj Hormuzd) of the holy month of Khordad. The third month of the Zoroastrian calendar, Khordad ushers blessings of purity and perfection. Khordad or Avestan Haurvataat is an Amesha Spenta presiding over the purifying waters; it also embodies the quality of excellence and wholesomeness. Khordaad and Ameredaad (Avestan Haurvataat and Ameretaat) are twin concepts representing the goal […]

Celebrate Divine Order

Sunday, 17th September, 2023, will be observed as the Parab of Ardibehesht. Ardibehesht – the second month of the Zoroastrian calendar – celebrates Divine Truth, Righteous or Divine Order and Healing. Ardibehesht is an Amshaspand (Archangel) or Amesha Spenta (Bounteous Immortal) that presides over the energy of fire. Adar Yazad is a Hamkara or helper of Ardibehesht. This is why many fire temples were consecrated in this […]