The Biggest Lesson Of Them All Dear Readers, The pleasantly cold wave that has taken over Mumbai, pronouncedly over the past week, has brought in much relief to us all. At some places, especially in the baugs and the burbs, it gets quite nippy, but we’re all good with that because it’s a welcome […]
Tag: Anahita Subedar
From The Editor’s Desk
It’s December Already! Dear Readers, We’ve entered the last month of 2017! The year seems to have sped by… we look back with mixed feelings – glad to have achieved some of the things we set out to do, and not so glad about a few others that didn’t see the light of day. Since […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Truth Empowers Dear Readers, These are confusing times for a lot of concerned community members, who have been writing in to us, asking for clarity and for answers, regarding the ongoing Metro 3 Alignment issue. Numerous developments have taken place – most virtual (off social media platforms) and some in real life. There are a […]
From The Editor’s Desk
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions Dear Readers, We are a passionate and presumably educated community with an unyielding sense of pride in our glorious religion and our illustrious forefathers, who set the definitive tone for our race – Parsis – as a bunch of progressive and cultured people, comprising hard-working […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Life Is Short, Break The Rules! Dear Readers, Everyone has got that one aunt, related or otherwise, who is quite convinced that she deserves to be the center of everyone’s universe, and worse, that she is the last word in counselling (usually unsolicited). I have one too. Firuza aunty (name changed for obvious reasons). She’s […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Blessed With The Gift Of Giving Dear Readers, It’s always a joy heading into this fun festive season – we’re all happy to be done with the monsoons and the potholes and water-logging and those serpentine traffic jams – our spirits are painted over in mood-changing shades of sunshine and vibrancy! Many of us are […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Looking Forward… Are you someone who wakes up looking forward to something every day? Or does your daily life function with routine-passivity, like it’s on auto-pilot? One of the unfailing keys to happiness is having something to look forward to. And anticipating something fun means you enjoy that happy experience for longer, even before it’s […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Bloody Atrocious! Dear Readers, Having been a media professional for over twenty years now, I’ve seen some serious lows to which people can stoop for a few minutes in the media spotlight. And believe me, I’ve witnessed a good amount of preposterous behaviour… verging from the ridiculous to the insane – I thought I’d seen […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Resurrections And Ripples Dear Readers, It’s never too late to start anew – If it was once there, it still lies in you, Covered and lost under the shroud Of fear, hesitation and self-doubt. Self-resolve and a sprinkling of faith Is what it takes to resurrect the innate, Let ripples of faith replace the ‘how, […]
From The Editor’s Desk
Take A Minute, Change A Life Dear Readers, Last Sunday, 10th September, marked ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, and the title of this editorial, ‘Take A Minute, Change A Life’, is the theme for this year. This line really got me thinking… especially when I read the statistics – worldwide, every year about three million (thirty […]
From The Editor’s Desk
‘Fate’ Accompli Or Free Will? Dear Readers, There is perhaps another religion as empowering as our Zoroastrian religion. We are told to pursue happiness, to keep our minds and bodies in a state of happiness (little surprise then, our love for music and food!) by following the simple yet profound tenets of Good Thoughts, Good […]