January (Lucky Number – 8; Lucky Tarot Card – Strength): Confidence is the key to success. Learn to fight for your rights. Be practical. Follow your intuition. Do not give up trying to search the right path to reach your destination. Don’t rush into things without thinking. February (Lucky Number – 21; Lucky Tarot Card – World): As […]
Tag: Jasmi
Jasvi’s Numero – Tarot Predictions
Parsi Times congratulates Dr. Jasvi on attaining her meritorious doctorate (Ph. D) in Tarot Research specialising in Karmavad and pioneering the design and interpretation of Jain Tarot, at the Zoroastrian College (Sanjan) under the able guidance of Dr. Meher Master Moos. January (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: Wheel of Fortune): A magical time awaits you. […]
NumeroTarot (As Per Your Birth Month)
January (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Heirophant): Enjoy the month with people you love. Stay away from confrontational situations. Relish what you have rather than waiting for what you don’t. February (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Strength): Stabilise your emotions and work towards getting clarity on confusions. Be who you are, with […]
NumeroTarot (As Per Your Birth Month)
January (Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Justice; Lucky Number: 11): Justice is on the cards and legal matters would get sorted. Ladies born in January are requested to come out of confrontational situations – be specific and clear in thoughts. You are blessed by divine energy. February (Lucky Numero Tarot Card: Sun; Lucky Number: 19): A month blessed […]