Celebrating its centennial year, the JB Vachha High School launched a commemorative volume titled, ‘Brick By Brick… Thought by Thought… the J.B. Vachha High School’, authored by Armin Wandrewala, with cover by Vyoma Parikh. The book encapsulates the history of JBV, as also the history of the Dadar Parsi Colony and the Dadar-Wadala-Matunga area, since […]
Tag: Mancherji Joshi
DPC Residents Protest To Protect Green Cover
Residents of the Dadar Parsi Colony (DPC) are up in arms against BMC’s proposal for widening a few roads in the vicinity, as this would reduce the green cover since most roads encircle open spaces. At a recent Mumbai Heritage Conservation Committee (MHCC) meeting, the BMC tabled a proposal to widen roads lesser than 9m […]