Global Working Group Renews Amelioration And Welfare Scheme of Senior Mobeds And Widows of Senior Mobeds

Community members are aware that Global Working Group (GWG) – comprising the elected Parsi Irani Zoroastrian Federations, Associations in countries that do not have Federations and some prominent Zoroastrians – in keeping with the economic challenges faced by Mobeds (Priests) and widows of Mobeds, 60 years and above – had, due to the initiative and efforts […]

Dasturji Kookadaru Saheb

. A simple man, one who lived a humble and yet exalted existence. Dastoorji Kookadaru Saheb, the divinely smiling photograph in all Agiaries and Atashbehrams belies the lofty status of the revered Dastoorji Saheb. Kookadaru Sahebji and his life is perhaps the most recent recorded history that we have, which proves beyond any doubt, the […]