A Peek Into Heaven And Hell

After the invasion of Alexander and the fall of the mighty Achaemenian Empire, the Zoroastrian religion had a setback. The Greeks tried hard to Hellenize Iran and impose their beliefs and culture on the Iranian people. To some extent, they succeeded. However, some provinces like Pars continued to offer stiff resistance. Soon followed the rise […]

10th RFP World Council Appoints Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor and Homi Gandhi

The 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace (RFP), held from 20th – 23rd August, 2019, in Lindau, Bavaria, Germany, took place in partnership with the Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World Religions and Civil Society. Over 800 senior religious leaders, youth and women of faith from over 125 countries participated in the Assembly, which celebrated the theme, […]

Faith And Doubt

“I talk to God, but the sky is empty.” Many a times as we move through life, when we face its many challenges, the ugly head of doubt raises itself in our minds. The doubt is strong because it is completely founded in our so-called reality. A bad report card, a miserable blood test, a […]